Punjab Highway Department Rahim Yar Khan Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** PUNJAB HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT TENDER NOTICE the irorn gn iter&bull basis, per System &bullrone with guk4 (arunded to *seeding an ga.f'i' ih ter ms oxo tens 1. The intend&bullJn8 Who the be on '.eer"ebta ined website ouni&bullt' 3. A' &bulltenem cont&bullactvrs/ have vez"d the in thc COR Engifteer "ill w&bullorE the s»me website upto Half hour Tie opening Ote time or af tender , 'the Ihe '.ame daw hay tho opening of b.i.d.s esqutified n of cgen&bullrg cnmv"iittec. at t2ཚ all bids wit be and quoted büle.r wa &bullnnøunccd in the o' 'render OmoyC&bullxnmittcc. ot g' arty such as be T.ed frc&bullrr&bull cu educe win be IJSted ta terserin« FEC will .g.ia,sv .81 Ot' usinxcontrcteba ne Recovery against materi.i her 7. 2 tem. Wi:øg of road from Motorway IMercha Lergth:12.CO Hahirt&bullt him HehatNOta I' Addo : 'Shöhi gasti Lam Cotriet Hamm Ä.LW Executive Engineer Highway Division Rahim Yar Khan Opening pate Superintending Engineer Highway Circle Bahawalpur O Newspaper ( 04 Sep, 2024) from Khabrain dated 04 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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