Pakistan Railways Rawalpindi Tender Notice for Procurement Of Upgradation Works,Civil Works,Construction ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** PAKISTAN RAILWAYS DIVISIONAL OFFICE RAWALPINDI TENDER NOTICE Sealed Tender are invited bv the Owisional SL4)erintendent Pakistan Railways Rawalpincf for Rawalpindi Division from the firms fulfilling rnandatory instruction valid under Pakistan Engneenng C.ancil registra:ion in the categories EE-07, EE-08 CE&bullIO. has renewed their firrns the year 2023-24, The firm must be in the active tax payer list on the due date & leading by the retired Signal least Signal Inspector.Ha»ing the last 3 years GST return centcate and on active tax payer list (ATL) Along with tender request Na.n&bulluo Ot Work Tender Cost of Completion Closing Time Tender Opening Time up cdClaæ:-Ill unrnmn.ea No, g &bullrto Class-II 1 Muned 21 TNLFJG sto:ns 'Q.oe.2024 19.09,2024 days Security Required As per Tender 12:00 PM Oocuments Only bids through E&bullPak Acquisi nd disposal system (EPADS} will be entertained. (www.eprocure.}. No bid otherÅhan EPAüS Will b0 accepted. Bld Security will be, submitted before closing ot tender physically in tender box in the offce of Divisional Accounts Officer Pakistan Reitways Rawalpindi and also upload the scanned copy with their bid in EPAOS, (Note EPAOS Tondors NoF.24096733). Bidding documents, contajöing detailed tetms and conditions, can be downloaded from of cost, Thc bids, prepared in ecordanco with tho instructions in tho biding documents, must be submitted on EPOS per the schedule mentioned in the table above The Railway administration may reject all bids at any time prior to the acceptance of a bid, The Railway administration shall upon request communicate to any contractor who submitted a bid, the ground for its rejection of all bids. Tender conditions, Plan and estimatecan be seen on any working day in Signal Branch of Divisional Superintendent Office, Pakistan Railways Rawalpindi, The Tenderers or their representative must be present at the time of opening of tender. NOTE: - Thig tender ig algo available on PPRA & Railway website ( qtARMlNA AMIR) Püistu&bull. Railway". O Newspaper ( 04 Sep, 2024) PIO(I) NO. 1553/24 from Khabrain dated 04 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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