Ghazi University Dera Ghazi Khan Tender Notice for Ghazi University Dera Ghazi Khan, ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** GHAZI UNIVERSITY, D.G. KHAN NOTICE FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST VOR OPENING OF BANK BRANCH AT D. G. KHAN cums Ghazi is inviting a cdl Tot Exptwioo Of h'ter&bullt (EOI) 'ct ocming of Branch city carpus be cdTered by the University. main is to extend barhtg fKilities F&bullculty, Suff& Students of University. Theedo«e, exressicn of nterest is invited from well reßJtcd Banks mc<ing 1. ne bulk rnust have rating cousted by the State Bank of Pakistan. 2. Must by "N' Ddi't fgrn under *dion 3S (l) Of Banking 962, 3 &euro odiocBa.nkings»tatL 4. bccwtoa»er eustc«netsetvice s:tiated. NOC fr«tt Gove:fitrnet dcwtnentse if &mdashred, shall bc thc sole Of bank 6, bank gill prmi& fec sysE&bulln fi"dents approxirnately 3C.CKN), laving SOCK) Vniversity students md 22000 eolJeges (City c:arnpus. new camps coDegcs), Cc«ua-octicm will by the tg:nk ard t-t»tffåytetit will paid by bank with amual $ Marla at mad side (near town read, City cup), &bullto stbddits, job fc« paid S. Bani will offer' rtoposal 6t Offering paid CboUrships LO students. 9. Bank will 10, B*ik Elityto fnlty & staffat rate. 1, Butk will ecotråuterspcg&bullts« &bull Nati:nal & Ir=uticoa.l coafet<lcø I semirnrs of Septemb«lO. 2024. sutrnit bid in of Trcast,ga till (iO buis thx u thc Reqxst [RF?} to OMce of Jræ.rer. Ghu:i mo"ing lvC0(Y&bull in favor Uti«rsity. liii) Ecd arenquired Office of Treasurer tdl AM 23Øä024. RFPs wib be cweo Ly at AM in åe Ofio: ofte Treasurct Eesencecl C«mnittee of ecotßling die etop«ir. is decleed by Govemnntoea »u-w«king te zy Dext Official day to be qxningofbidsacccdngly. Convener, Funds Investment Committee, Ghazi tjni»ersity, Den Ghazi Khan Cauet: O Newspaper ( 04 Sep, 2024) from Khabrain dated 04 September, 2024
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