Public Health Engineering Department Hafizabad Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER P H.E DIVISION HAFIZABAD Telephone. 0547-641040 E-Mail: [email protected] E-TENDERINGNOTICE The tenders for the following scheme are invited from engineering furms/contractors on the item rates basis, as per PPRA E-Tendering System, line with relevant PPR.A Rules (amended up to date). According to these Rules, all the firms'contructors can participates in tendering process with following terns and conditions:- 2. S. 6. The intending Contractorsffirms who have been registered with Pakistan Engineering Conneil in the relevant category/ccxåes may participate. The ContractorsiFirms has to be registered on Any information' procedure regarding registration can be seen/obtained from website ppra.punja b. procurenrn t. All intending contract0ß,•' firms have to upload the earnest money in the form of CDR in favour of the Executive Engineer @ 2% of the estimated" bid cost and fill rates against items of work on the same website upto half hour before the opening date and time of opening of tender. However. original CDR has to be submitted to the tender opening conunittee on the sarne day, half hour before the openmg of bids otherwise. the firm' contractor will be disqualified in pyestnce oftender opening cornmittee After filling the bids on website, contractors nuy utte office of undersigned on 23-09-2023 at 2.30 P.M, where ell bids will be retrieved und quoted ful bidder will be announced in the presence of Tender Opening Committee. In case of submission of any fake inforrnation" will disqualified from the cu tendering process of PHE Department. F against such furmicontructor for ap The conditional tenders telegraphic te tendered antount is less than of such as CDR'receipt, the Contractorffirm and will be black listed to participate in any mnendation to PPR.A and PEC will also be tnude black listing. tenders by post will not be entertained. In case the tolal ved estimated (DNIT) aznount, the lowest bidder will have e Scheduled Bank equal to the unount below the to deposit an udditional perfo estimated cost within 15 days of The procuring agency n•uy proposals under PPRÄ Name of notice. bids or proposal ut any time prior to acceptance of a Bid or ejection of Bids). TSNo. & Date Completion Estimated Period C?.€ßt 30.062025 Million Exec ti Public Health La rnest Money Rs 1.563 Million gineer gg: Division O Constructie n streets, Drains, pcc, N Soling and Tuff Tile atremon Councils No 1 and Adjoing abadies in District Hafizabad Newspaper ( 04 Sep, TS 30-07-2024 2024) Hafizabad from Ppra dated 04 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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