Municipal Committee Wazirabad Tender Notice for Procurement Of Stromwater Drainage Facilitues,Water Management Services ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** arc irftee [forn Centractars i' Finns Authoritod dealers who reg.sterea PPRA tor E-Ptocuremelll on &bulle&bullPak AEGI.iSiton and Disposal All be submntcd through e-PAOS and register" wth & PRA INTN "ld PNTN} tcncetnng 'Cllr,'/ing 2 Oasctiption STORMWATER DRAINAGE FACILITIES IN WAZIRABAD CITY MODERNIZATION WATER AND WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT IN MUNICIPAL EstimatedCast Security Code withCE.Ot COMMITTEE THROUGH IMPLEMENTATION WAZIRASAD SCADA 2. E-bds must be a cd toe estimated ptice mentioned in lhg tablo in tile name 01 Ccnvntltee. Wazirabad&bull, ar.d Ct COWBa,f'k Guaranteo Oemnd Dta.h Pay Order: Late E&bullbidS Shill reject" 3, Pee-Bid Meeting Date, Time & Plagø subt&bullnlssaon E-Blds opening 4, two EPAOS 08-09-202401 OkOOPM 08-09-2024 19-09-2024 19-09-20 19-09-2024 19-09-2024 1:00 PM 01:30 PM 03:30 PM be adoptad using on S. Secufitpntrvr.gnt (2%cdthe stnmtned dearly marked wan the Number end TiVo. the SObfiiSSiCfi N: Munitipal commltp&bull OtfiCOi yunltlpav Committer' WazlæbJd. Road Wazlra,bad, Punjab), Pail$tany. The procunng Authcot&bully may reject bidS Cit prcposa14 at any prƉr to ecceptance Of a bid or ptopC&Bl under puniab ptocurcrnent Rules 2014 IRul$OS). Bidders advised to enum up10JdIng the Bid on E-PAOS bolero tho gubm&bullslon end not wan, rot the last date and time to the bld. Bld submi:SSlOn on E&bullPAOS Portal shall entirely tho responsibilny Ot tho bluer. MC Wazirabad Bh&bullli not Ibo held responsible for Fot any E-PAOS amau and pno:ng numbers progbded hereunder: E-PAO$ Helpline : Chief Officer Municipal Committee Wazirabad 'PL-S200 O Newspaper ( 04 Sep, Administrator Municipal Committee Wazirabad 2024) from Ppra dated 04 September, 2024
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