Pakistan Airports Authority Karachi Tender Notice for Consultancy Service,Consultant For Providing Automated Border Control ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** PAKISTAN AIRPORTS AUTHORITY REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR PROVIDING AUTOMATED BORDER CONTROL E-GATES AT MAJOR AIRPORTS OF PAKISTAN 1. 2. 3. The Pakistan Airports Authority (PAA), a body corporate operating under the Ministry of Aviation for administration, operation and development of public airports across Pakistan, hereby invites applications from reputed Consultants who are duly registered with Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) for the consultancy services under the required codes. The consultancy services are intended for Planning, Designing and Project Execution Supervision for Providing Automated Border Control e-Gate Systems at Major Airports of Pakistan. The URequest For Proposal (RFP)" documents, containing all information required for selection of the consultant including instructions for preparation and submission of necessary documents, evaluation criteria etc. can be downloaded from EPADS (PPR8Platform) free of cost. The proposals, preparey-.• n accordance with the instructions contained the RFP documents, must be submitted through PADS as well as in the hard & soft format (in the man er prescribed in the RFP) at the address me e below on or before 20th September 2024 at 16:00 PST. Proposals will be opened ate!lpe same venue and the same day at 16:30 PST in the presence of the proposers who chose to be presen This advertisement is also available on the PPRA ebsite ( Please note that the PAA reserves the right to cancel this process at any time without incurring any liability to the Applicants. ENGINEERING SERVICES DIRECTORATE Terminal-I, First Floor Pakistan Airports Authority Jinnah International Airport Karachi Telephone Nos. (021) 99072251 / (021) 99242028 Fax No. (021) 99242685 o Newspaper ( 02 Sep, 2024) from Express dated 02 September, 2024
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