Thq Hospital Sargodha Tender Notice for Procurement Of Medicies,Drugs,Medical Devices,Surgical DressingmEquipments,Dental Items,Surgical Items,Laboratory Materials,Printing Materials,Cost Of Other Stores, ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** TENDER NOTICE lhe Tehsil Head Quarters Hospital Bhagtanwala, District Sargodha invites sealed bids from eligible bidders, Manufacturers, authorized Sales & Service Dealers for the supply of below mentioned items/ services for financial year 2024-25. Package Package 1 Package 2 Package- 3 Package• 4 Package• 5 Package- 6 Package• CLOSING ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION Frame work Contract for Purchase Of Medicine & Sur ical/ Dis osable Items Frame work contract for purchase of Laborato Materials Frame 'isork contract for purchase or OTHER Frame work contract for purchase of Cost of Other Store Items Frame work contract for purchase of Printin Material Frame work contract for purchasc or Stationa Items Frame work contract ror procurement of Purchase of Machine & E ui men DATE 19-9-2024 19-9-2024 19-9-2024 19-9-2024 19-9-2024 19-9-2024 19-9-2024 COST 4.0 Millions BID SECURITY 2% of the estimated cost or the 0.6 Millions estimated cost 1.0 Millions 1.0 Millions 1.0 Millions 0.8 Millions 0.5 Millions 2% of the estimated cost 2% Of the estimated cost 2% of the estimated cost or the estimated cost 2% of the estimated cost For each package, separate bidding shall be con uc d through Open Competitive Bidding (Single Stage-Two Envelope) procedures specified in the Punjab Preyement Rules PPRA 2014 (amended up to date), and is open to all eligible bidders as defined in the biddiry d€yment, Interested eligible bidders may obtain k!$ding documents and further information from below office during working hours, on submission of vaitfi)application along with payment of non-refundable fee of PKR- 1000/- (One Thousand only) for each package, Bidding documents are available till 19-9-2024 up to I I :30a.m. Biding documents are also ey*lable on Punjab Procurement Regulatory Authority website ( unt- e closing date for the submission of bids. Sealed Bids must be delivere e above office on or before 11:30 a.m. dated 19-9-2024 accompanied by o A Bid Security iO rmofCDR from a Scheduled Bank of Pakistan along with 0 SAMPLES O ALL ITEMS (GENERAL STORE) should be given alongwith biding document submission. o The Finan€@l id is only open to those contractors whose samples accepted by Procurement Committee others willbe rejected. o The Decision of Procurement Committee will final and not be challenged in any court. o Bids-will be opened in the presence of bidders' representatives who choose to attend at 12:00 pm on the same date (i.e. 19-9-2024)in the Office of The Medical Superintendent TIIQ Hospital Bhagtanwala The bidders are requested to give their best and final prices inclusive of all taxes, duties and levies as no negotiations are expected. Taxes will be deducted as per applicable government rules and applicable Tax registration certi ficate must be provided. c ewspaper Medical superintendent TifQ Hospital Bhagtanwala Sargodha IPL-8277 ep, from Dawn dated 02 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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