Special Protection Unit Lahore Tender Notice for Purchase Services Of Bed,Boxes,Lubricants,Repair Of Transports ,Vehicles,Trackers ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR/ DEPUTY INSPECTOR GENERAL OF POLICE* SPECIAL PROTECTION UNIT (SPU)t PUNJABr LAHORE. TENDER NOTICE Director/Deputy Inspector General of Police, Special Protection Unit (SPIJ), Punjab, Lahore invites sealed bid (Through Framework Contract) based on the Punjab Procurements Rules 2014 (amended), from well-reputed and financially sound firms having previous experience as well as registered with Income Tax, Sales Tax and Punjab Sales Tax Departments for the purchase/services of following heads as Bed & Boxes, Lubricants, Repair of Transport, Vehicle Trackers (Other Services Rendered) for basis for the cu Financial Year 2024-25 (up-till 30.0602025). 2 3 4 Description Bed & Boxes Purchase of Lubricants Repair of Transport Vehicle Trackers Closing Date 15 days after publishing the tender notice in newspaper 15 days after publishing the tender notice in newspaper 15 days after pu blishing the tender notice in newspaper 15 days after publishing the tender notice in newspaper Total Estimated Cost 20.0 (M) 30.0 (M) 5.0 M 59.0 (M) 1, Bids are to be addressed to the Director/Deputy Inspector General of Police, Special Protection unit (SPLI)t Punjabi Lahore, and shall be received within 15 davs after publishing the tender notice in Barrack No.02 Capt. Syed Ahmad Mobeen Shaheed City Traffic Police unes G.T Road Manawan, Lahore. 2. The bids for Bed & Boxes, Lubricants, Repair of Transport, Vehicle Trackers (Other Services Rendered) tender shall be received "Single Stage — One Envelops bidding procedure" as contained in rule 38 (1) of the Punjab Procurement Rule 2014 (amended). 3. As per directions of Govt. of Punjab, it is mandatory to submit the Tender at e-procurement website as well as in hardcopy be provided at office of DIG, SPU Syed Mobeen Shaheed City Traffic Police Lines G.T Road Manawan, Lahore. 4. All the rates will consider inclusive of GST/PST aod.yalid upto 30.06.2025. 5. Bidders who applied for supply of lubricants shall'vbmit certificates of manufacturers/authorized agent issued during 2024-25 otherwise bids will be e ected. One sample against one bid will be deposited at the time of Tender opening. 6. The interested bidder should be given a pe40+mance certificate on stamp paper amounting to Rs.100/- stating therein that his/her firm js n 'd#ulter/ disqualified by any Department nor involved in any cnminal case / convicted. A Certific ust be provided. 7. The bidding documents containin rms & conditions, specifications of Bed & Boxes, Lubricants, Repair of Transport, Vehicle Trackers ( Services Rendered), technical evaluation criteria can be obtained after uploading on PPRAis we site from the office of the Director/Deputy Inspector General of Police, Special Protection Unit (S unjab, Lahore by hand on submission of a written request on firm's letterhead, on any work day during office hours, a day before the bids opening at the cost of non-refundible• or each store duly deposited in the State Bank of Pakistan or Treasury Rs.500/-, Challan Form 32-A under Head of Account CO-2636-Police-Fees, Fines & Forfeiture" 8. The bidders shall suvmit bid security of the estimated price with their bidding docutnents in the shape of PA/ Bank Draft/Bankers Cheque of any scheduled bank in favour of the Director/DeputyÄhspector General of Police, Special Protection Unit, Punjab, Lahore. The bid security will be refunded after the finalization of the tenders. However, the successful bidders shall deposit equal to 5% of the total value of the contract as a performance guarantee in shape of CDR/Bank Draft/ Bankers Cheque/Bank Guarantee which shall be refunded on successful completion of the contract obligations, 9. The tender notice & Bidding Documents are available at e-procurement & PPRAis website (http•u/lppra,[email protected]). (MUNTAZIR MEHDI) PS", PPM Director/Dy. Inspector General of Police, Special Protection Unit (SPU), Punjab Lahore. IPL-8281 O Newspaper ( 02 Sep, 2024) from Dawn dated 02 September, 2024
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