Punjab Irrigation Department Lahore Tender Notice for Ressurfacing Of Roads,Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** PUNJAB IRRIGATION DEPARTMENT E-TENDER NOTICE 1. Tenders work are under the SiT',eStage-One Envelope bidfig procedure ftfi engineering firms } contractors licensed by the Pakistan Engineetinc Counta with the respectle CE•C4 code, an rate basis undet the BSAnnual Market Rate System Juh 2024 to December. 2024) Ict Distfct Lahore as pet the PPRA *stern j e.PunjabAtquisdion Cispo;sal System {EPAOS). in accordance 1%'ith the relevant PPRA Rules, 2014 (amended to date) Sr. 2. 3- 5. 7. 8. 9, Kat'* of Work cans Thé contractors OAtED firms must be registered with Punjab PPRA at Ct ptocedwes regatdi•t$ registration ptocess can be accessed the EPAOS Onw ccatraclccs firms registered the Pakistan Counca with the COdC Cä•04 and the Pub* prccure•ncnt AuthOtty (PPRA} to pan;cipote in the teraettng Tho TcttdCt NOtite and Bid•fr.g Dccuments d,otaihd requitenents. terms and ccg•tditions ate M'übZ to registered bidders EPADS at and the Put*b {PPRN) website at tee cost contæ• wistfri.g to participate tte pcoces:s shall also attach vald regatratiS,n with the PakiG'X1 Council for the year 20Z4-2S in category and d'iS€pti1W attng with geverrt-rgnt for payment Cd pcoressjo•nat tax. CNIC. cnztment -l lees and registration wit' the Pm,iab Revenue AuthOfRy (PRAI VCar 2024-25 'With the Eidditg NI interdng contractors musl upbad the b5d j earnest as again* each walk. preferably in tie cd Bank Cumantee Cal Receipt {CORI any schedukd bank in Pakistan, o! lhe Executi.•e Lahore C.BOC Lahore ond the same shal be uploaded along the item rates lot each on the EPADS "3.09.202Z up 02:00 PR. However. original COR l' Bank Guarantee. with an attgstgd copy od PEC Icense shal be subcra:ed to rered•et Opentt•g at guze 01 Engi-,eet. Oepatpur the date i,e, 19.09.2024 0200 PM tn case cl ct ca.rnest money in the loan Of a COR Bank Guarantee b} tho due date and i.e. 19.09.2'024 at 0240 PM considered tespertsåe•e ctd not be entertained. Manual bids by hind Ct through mons Other than EPAD$ not entelt.ajned. Aftct ußaaen,9 the bids co the EPAOS wet,sae. tho participating firms cmtreacgs Shall have to atter.d the Off* of Engheer. Canal Circle on at 0230 au the bds oe retrieved the rates bidders bC announced the Tenet Opening in presence Of the biddegs Ot theit auttMized represent.t;ves. to. In parsuance o' prmisjon ecatained Genera' 26(A} entided in the Standard Contract Foem for C' WOCk$ and specified in terwct document in item {h) cd the Merrorandum cd Wad, and 01 at'tendtnen•.s notified CWv•egnmenl of the Pu%ab. "tance tegartment's Not.reation No.RO(Teth1FD 1. 212017 daa,ed 15-11.2022. in case total tendered æ•nount is equat to or than 5% approved estmated (DNIT) amount. mest bidder Shaa have to deposit Assurance Security frctn any scheduwgank PZkiStüi in the Shape a Sank Guarantee City equal to the amourt d O!erence between approved DNIT 01' issuance notk:e and the quoted b" period 01 the Eid. whichever is 11. bidders should satisty themsefrcsvregarding the site lx.atiet. conditions itteudirg *CCSStdit'i. as successful "degs Shall be required to mauze to the within Cond*onal and incomplete a ftgt thC issuance or the acceptan:e letter. b/ any biddec shan bc w:uidered non- 13 The agency Ws cg any c' proposals at any pcior to the acepta•nce or o cc proposals PPRA (Rule.3S), 14, ThQ precuring agen#ShÜ. upon request. ccmtnurå:ate tttC grounds rat reiectiog tidS or ptoposälS tW"Zt'f bidder but Shav to requted to just" those grounds atCOtdar.CC PPRA Rules 15, The oaminated after the bid security I earr.est must execute-an agreement with the Executive Engineer. Lahore CWisiCt1 CBDC, LähOte within 15-däYS Of the issuance or acceptance JC•ret. The execution act*ity schedute 7. days o! the issuance the occeptarm Senet. Fie% tests to ensure ete quato rnaterws during the o•xccution o' work Shal conducted undot the arrangctnont Of the successful bidder. In case Of fadwe. the successful biddec• be for the cost of test.hg materials frun reputable sources j 1B. The payrne.nt. be tüde ca actuat work done. suuect to thC avalabiity 01 funds and deatance thC Thid•Party V,onitoring Consultants NESPAKJ cc any other so 00tTinated at any tine- 19. The success*" bidder has no to clayn arty due to delays in pmqrteot dono because Of the or funds time. case any the above conditictts PPRA Rules. (a.tne,rded the 21. Z coset in accc«datncewiththe PPRA Rules, 2014 famendedto date) at'd Stmø;ara Caattött Agreement. 22 All instructions issued by the F'inutc:e and the Itrigation Department Shil to ap#abh. IPL.8292 EXECUTIVE ENGINEER Lahore Division CBDC Lahore c ews paper ep, from Jang dated 02 September, 2024
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