National Bank Of Pakistan Lahore Tender Notice for Repair & Maintenances Of 2 Passengers Lift & Supply Of Allied Parts Accessories ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NATIONAL BANK OF PAKISTAN INVITATION TO BIDS REPAIR & MAINTENANCE OF 02 PASSENGER LIFT AND SUPPLY OF ALLIED PARTS/ACCESSORIES, INSTALLED AT REGIONAL OFFICE, FAISALABAD 1. This Invitation to gids follows Procurement Notice for the subject appeared on NBP ants PPRA vvcwtes. 2, The National Bank of has reserved the furtdS the procurement gannet} during the financial year It is intended that gart of the proceeds of tho fund Will bC used to cover eligible payment under the contract the a'o•resaid procurernent, 3- The National Bank of Pakistan; now invites bids frcm eog,ibte firms repatt maintenance cf 02 passenger lift and supply of parts.'accossories witn reared services: EPADS 4. The bidding Sttatl COOdUCted in tine with the Single Stage One Enveeope procedure the Public Procurement Rotes 2004 and any Regclations, Regulatory Guides, Procure«nent Guidelines or Instructions issued the AuthCTity time to time}. and iS open I potential bidders. 5. AJI bids m ust be accompan ied by a nned Copy Of Bid Security in the form "Ikot'S Cheque or Payment Order or aank . arantee in the amount Rs.120.OW.&ORlGlNAL 310 SECURITY MUST to the Natona gank o' Pakistan•nytime before the CIOSi•ng tirne Of Bid failing whiCh the bid shall be The otigin,at bid, documents as voperiy filled in, h the required the bidding documents: be submitted ONLY through e•Pak Acquisitioe Disposal System IEPADS} at or before 11 '30 arn.dated: 24/120/2024. The bids will be oøeneo thereafter on EPADS at 12:CO am the and in the presence Of bidders' who choose to attend in the opening at mentioned address. Note: Original Oid Security instrument MUST BE submitted the under Signed betore crosir•g hours O' the bids submission titre, WING HEAD (Central) Engineering Division, Logistics Communications & Marketing Group, National Bank OT Pakistan RHO Building. 26 MCtagan Road. Lahore•PäkiStan PABX: +92-42-99210641 Ext: 3011, 3027 e NBP O Newspaper ( 02 Sep, from Thenews dated 02 September, 2024
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