Industries Commerce Investement & Skills Development Department Lahore Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** 042-9926$SS7 GOVERNMENT OF THE PUNJAB INDUSTRIES, COMMERCE, INVESTMENT & SKILLS DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT &bullre..rrA secretariat* 96-H, Dated Lahore, 19th Aug. 2024 Subject: mr. Abbas. tg,S.17). Generat (OGL rndusmes. Prices, Weights & Measures Punjab, Lahore, RZO Ho&bullus.ee2g/3S. St. BJo&bullck-A. Vohau&bullh At-Vaasa* 'Town, (032 PERSONAL HEARING NOTICE IN cAs:e "DISCtPUNARY PROCEEOXNGS AGAINST HR. AZHAR AOØAS* PRICE ANALYST (gs&bull17), 0/0 OIRECTORATE GENERAL PUNJAB, LAHORE, ON ACCOUNT OF Hts WILLFUL ABSENCE FROM DUTY Wee,F. 27.05.2023 TO TIU&bullOAte, UNDER THE PEEOA 2006 WHEREAS. the C«nmereee Investment & Skims gevetOpment &bullttCt&SO) Department. beano competent Authorsty, under tne PGEOA Aeti 2006. due tne rocts ot tmes cose&bdquo was ot the that there Were grounds to proceed on account cnarge&bull/oueøotion at &bullmiseonduct&bull-, Within the mean&bullng or of me Aet and appointed Abubakar Deputy tCt&SO Oopartment as rnqui.ry omcer eo:nduet Inquiry &bullganst you. In terms Ot Section S, read with Section Ə the Act vide NO. doted VS.01&bdquo2024: 2. &bullwatvrut absence from duty 27.05.2023 to ANO WHEREAS* the afforded Ot hearings to you toking your defense against ebOf'øe ogai&bullnst vide sold Order but you bother attend t,he aforemeneoned inquiry which proves &bullnothee -mescooduct&bull on your Oort, the Inquiry Which os corithlned in the have been proved. so, the recommended to Impose the øer&bullvalty "Removal trom Service", 4t the PEEPA Act, 2006, upon you. 3. ANO WHEREAS. otter perusal the report and otter relevant tho ICI&SO hove to duffer A Ot the exercise the conferred upon the under thc IPELDA$ 2006. o show ootice was issued to Voo NO. dated 23.052024. Whereby you upon Ot the to the inquir+&bull Ofßeer Ot os Actv rnay "Ot be You defense ony. Moreover. *Idl notice. the Secretary tC16SO oeøorvnentwcornøee:ent Authority agportted tho unaersl&euroned oenq He:anng Offieeti unaer seeuon the Act, 2006. to atrord on opportunity Of hearing on his AND WHEREAS. the Officer afforded three to you 1206.2024 & 24.06.2024, toking your charge bevelled aqa&bullrtst you. as contblt-ted in the said order, Vide hconng notices or even No. doted & raued &bullaertdjaøp&bullear the aforementioned shows that are serious to attend the In thc matter and to your s. NOW. you are her-ebi callee uø&bullsn to show eause En (07} days o' this why tho Moretn.en&bulltionef. by the Inquiry one or rnore as under 4 Of the Punjab etf&bullcjcncy, Oisepnnc ond Aeeooneabll&bulle,' 2006. may not be imposed upon you. 6. tour reply to this Show Should roach to the underslqo&bulled the stiøulotcd time penod, tolling wtucn it be that have no defense to orter. 7 , Case you desire any on which the ld Charge is based or to the charge. ycu may de SO three (03} dOYS the or 'You also afforded Of pe heo &bull to the on "1 700 to on dote Shal' be presumed that you do heard person have no defense to offer ease witt be deeded ex&bullparee. IPL-8268 (MUHAMMAD MURTAZA) DEPUTY SECRETARY (ADMN) ICI&SDD/ HeARXNG ON BEHALF OF Tye SECRETARY, AtJTH0R.rry O Newspaper ( 02 Sep, 2024) from Thenews dated 02 September, 2024
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