Industries Commerce Investement & Skills Development Department Lahore Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** 042-9926$SS7 GOVERNMENT OF THE PUNJAB INDUSTRIES, COMMERCE, INVESTMENT & SKILLS DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT •re..rrA secretariat* 96-H, Dated Lahore, 19th Aug. 2024 Subject: mr. Abbas. tg,S.17). Generat (OGL rndusmes. Prices, Weights & Measures Punjab, Lahore, RZO Ho•us.ee2g/3S. St. BJo•ck-A. Vohau•h At-Vaasa* 'Town, (032 PERSONAL HEARING NOTICE IN cAs:e "DISCtPUNARY PROCEEOXNGS AGAINST HR. AZHAR AOØAS* PRICE ANALYST (gs•17), 0/0 OIRECTORATE GENERAL PUNJAB, LAHORE, ON ACCOUNT OF Hts WILLFUL ABSENCE FROM DUTY Wee,F. 27.05.2023 TO TIU•OAte, UNDER THE PEEOA 2006 WHEREAS. the C«nmereee Investment & Skims gevetOpment •ttCt&SO) Department. beano competent Authorsty, under tne PGEOA Aeti 2006. due tne rocts ot tmes cose„ was ot the that there Were grounds to proceed on account cnarge•/oueøotion at •miseonduct•-, Within the mean•ng or of me Aet and appointed Abubakar Deputy tCt&SO Oopartment as rnqui.ry omcer eo:nduet Inquiry •ganst you. In terms Ot Section S, read with Section '9 the Act vide NO. doted VS.01„2024: 2. •watvrut absence from duty 27.05.2023 to ANO WHEREAS* the afforded Ot hearings to you toking your defense against ebOf'øe ogai•nst vide sold Order but you bother attend t,he aforemeneoned inquiry which proves •nothee -mescooduct• on your Oort, the Inquiry Which os corithlned in the have been proved. so, the recommended to Impose the øer•valty "Removal trom Service", 4t the PEEPA Act, 2006, upon you. 3. ANO WHEREAS. otter perusal the report and otter relevant tho ICI&SO hove to duffer A Ot the exercise the conferred upon the under thc IPELDA$ 2006. o show oot;ice was issued to Voo NO. dated 23.052024. Whereby you upon Ot the to the inquir+• Ofßeer Ot os Actv rnay "Ot be You defense ony. Moreover. *Idl notice. the Secretary; tC16SO oeøorvnentwcornøee:ent Authority agportted tho unaersl€ned oenq He:anng Offieeti unaer seeuon the Act, 2006. to atrord on opportunity Of hearing on his AND WHEREAS. the Officer afforded three to you 1206.2024 & 24.06.2024, toking your charge bevelled aqa•rtst you. as contblt-ted in the said order, Vide hconng notices or even No. doted & raued •aertdjaøp•ear the aforementioned shows that are serious to attend the In thc matter and to your s. NOW. you are her-ebi callee uø•sn to show eause En (07} days o' this why tho Moretn.en•tionef. by the Inquiry one or rnore as under 4 Of the Punjab etf•cjcncy, Oisepnnc ond Aeeooneabll•e,' 2006. may not be imposed upon you. 6. tour reply to this Show Should roach to the underslqo•ed the stiøulotcd time penod, tolling wtucn it be that have no defense to orter. 7 , Case you desire any on which the ld Charge is based or to the charge. ycu may de SO three (03} dOYS the or 'You also afforded Of pe heo • to the on "1 700 to on dote Shal' be presumed that you do heard person have no defense to offer ease witt be deeded ex•paree. IPL-8268 (MUHAMMAD MURTAZA) DEPUTY SECRETARY (ADMN) ICI&SDD/ HeARXNG ON BEHALF OF Tye SECRETARY, AtJTH0R.rry O Newspaper ( 02 Sep, 2024) from Thenews dated 02 September, 2024
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