Punjab Irrigation Department Lahore Tender Notice for Resurfacing Of Roads Along Escape Chemicals,Construction,Civil Works,Road Construction,Repair and Maintenance Of Roads ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** PUNJAB IRRIGATION DEPARTMENT E-TENDER NOTICE . Tenders far *0110wing wc". are invited under the Single Siage•ane Enveoape bidding procedure from engineering firrrus licensed by lhe Pakistan Engineering Council with lhe respective CE-Od code an an item rate basis under the 2nd Bi-Annual Rate system 2024', ror Lahore as PPHA System i" e-Pun]ab Oispgsal System (EPAOS), in accordance with the relevant PPRA Rules, 2014 (amended ta date} Name of Watk Rzsurfacing of Rc€d Alnrg Chant* iO canal Thckar Nia Beg I-acre. Eslirneleø Sanctioned CE Lahcre Irrigation No.2303AVccks- DATED Estimated Cost Earnest raoney *'Bid Security ESIirnated COSI ( million} 1.4181 2 2 3 4 5. 6. 8, 9, 10, 11. 12. 13 ld. IS. 17. 1B. 19, 20. 21, 22. The ecotrador•s i firms must be registered with Punjab PPHA at Any information procedures regarding lhe registration process can accessed the EPADS website. Only contractors j fifi-ns registered With fre Pakistan Engineering Council (PECO with the specialization CE-C14 and lhe Pub&c Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPHA) are eligible to participate in the tendering process. The Tender Notice and Bidding Documenis containing detailed requirements, terms and conditions are available to registered bidders on EPADS at puniab and the Punjab Procurerr•.ent Regulatory Autrjority wet3ite at www.ppra.ovniab.goy:pk, free of cost, Tho contractors i" firms WiShing to participate in tho bidding process snall {'JSO arach valid registration with lhe Pakistan Engineering Council for the year 2C2d-25 in e-te specified category and discipline, along government receipts for payment professional tax. CNIC, enlistment } renewal fees and registration with lhe Punjab Revenue (PRA) lor me voar bidding document. All intending contractors must upload ltmo bid security / earnest money. as rncrtlicn•ed against each work, preferably in the form of a aenk Guarantee or Can Deposit Receipt (COB) 'ram any SChCduted barek in Pakistan. in Iavar 01 lhC ERectJ'iV'O Engineer, I-anoro Oivisicn CBOC Lahce and lhe same shall be uploaded along with the item rates far each EPAOS by 19.09.2024 up However. the COB i" Bank Guarantee, along with an attested copy of lhe PEC registration license eman to submitlCd 10 lhe Tender Opening Committee at the Olfice Of Superintending Engineer, Depalpur Canal Circle. Lahore on the tenderopening date i e. by In cage Of non•subrriiS€on Of earnest money in the Of a COR i" Bank Guarantee by the due date ard lime i e. at 02:00 FM. the bid will be ccnsidered ncn- responsive and will nat be entertained. vanual bidS submitted by hand or through means Other than EPAOS will not be entertained. After uploading the bids on the EPAOS website. the participating firms / contractors Shall have to attend the Office Of Superintending Engineer, oepälpur canal Circle Lahore, an 19.09.2024 at 02.•30 P". where all lhe bids will be retrieved and the quoted rates Of responsive bid"jeG will be announced by the Tender apenirtg C.emrtlittee in the presence ot lhe bidders or the" authorized reptesentalives, In pursuance of the provision contained in General Condition 26 IA) entailed in lhe Standard centrati Form far Execution Of WarkE and specified in frie tender document in item (h} of lhe Memorandum of Work and in light of amendments notified vide Government Of the Punjab, Finance Oepartment'S Notification NO.RO(TeChFO 1' 2/2017 dated 1 in case the tentered amount equal or less than 5% of the approved estimated IONIT) amount, the •awest bidder shall have to depCGii auality Assurance Security schediuled Bank of Pakistan in the shape of a Bank Guarantee only equal to the amount Of differ ,en€e between approved ONIT amount and me quoted bid amount vklhin 15-days e issua.r.ce of notice or wilt'in expiry period cithe bid, whichever iS eerlier. All bidders should satisfy themselves regardl he site location. condiiions and prevailing circurostances. including accessibility, successful bidders be required to mobilize to wc"site within 'bdaysefter.ihe issuance of the acceptance letter. Conditional and incomplete bids su by any bidder shall be considered ncm- responsive, Tho procuring agency may s any 01 proposans at any lima poor to tno nder PPRA Rules, 2014 acceptance of a bid or p The procuring agency sh request, communicate the grounds for rejecting all bidS or 10 any&itlder bü'l St'eall not bC roquifCd 10 justify Ittose grounds in accordance wit' the Rules. The successful bidd—o'ominated after lhe verification bid security earne money, must execute an agr:pement Wilh the Executive Engineer. Lanorc OiViSian COOC. Lahore within of lhe issuance of the acceptance letter. The successfÜ'l'iddermus: provide a lime-bound execution activity schedule within 7days Of Of the acceptance letter. Field tests ensure the quality materiays during the execution Ot work Shall be conducted under the arrangement of lhe successful bidder. In case of failure. the successful bidder will be reeponsible for bearing the cogt testing materia.& from reputable sources laboratories. The payment will be made on actual work done, subiect to the availability cd funds and Clearance by the Thitd•Party Monitoring ConsuliardS (WS NESPAK} or any Other agency so nominated at any time, The successful bidder has no right to Claim any interest due to delays in payment for work done because of the nan-receipt Of funds in time. In case any of the above conditions ccntradict PPHA Rules, 2014 (amended to date). me PPRA Hu'Jes, 2014 {amended to date) prevail, All Olher condilicos will be in accordance with the PPHA HA'Jes. 2014 (amenaed to date) and the Standard Ccntrae Agreement. All instructions issued by the Finance Department and the Irrigation Department shall be applicable, EXECUTIVE ENGINEER LAHORE OIVISION CBDC IPL 8292 c ews paper LAHORE ep, from Businessrecorder dated 02 September, 2024
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