Punjab Highway Department Sargodha Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing,Restoration & Improvement, ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** ..wse.E1 • cender» the following •eheme• are Gwitcd it;reo rete' PPM Syøtems relevant PPM up to According to thee Rules. r,he participate 'n tenderins, a.nd, e..ndi•tJon.o:• 7. 8. intending who valid C•unc'tt in the catco.y/c-ode• are to p articipate. «gi•tered on regarding can be / from Au contractor. have upload Che earnest in the form 01 CDR the executive Riehway Oivi•ion Sargodha / cost and items week on opening d•ec artd Of tender. However, orienø' COR be submitted to ec:tvd« opening OT bid' committee on the •ame be or the Orm contractor rtvmittee. Ante rvfting the bids en web"te, contractor. may omce Of Cornmissione•r 17/09/2024 oarao PH, be retrieved / udder b' the any from the CORF the *'OJ te;nderins rocedure and '*i" be participate any tende pmo•ces,• ciPC&W Department. Further to PPRA and PEC action/ will also be made aenin•t. •uch fir•m/con agency *bay re}ect proposa.' any prior to a under PPR.A Ruie•3S plant arid Rigid Pavement *hA.11 Wd by machine. OSTI be e.x:eeuied mechanized Recovery obd *4.11. be and s. SPECW. S&QTANPUR ROAO LEMGTH IN SAR GONA. OF FROM TO OAL LLNGt'H 2.00 OF WORK HAW.A TO ROAD eetÆCt'ltVE LENGTH 290 IN OISTRICT OETAILEO SURVEYING VARIOUS SINGLE CARRIA«WAY 2024•2S Ots•ntCT SARGODHA US h'0S. SCHEMES & TOTAL OETAILEO SJRVEYING ANO MAPPING ROAD COU8&E CARRIAGEWAY IN 2024-25 NO, SCHEME & TOTAL LENGTH SURVEY & SOIL or ROAD NO. so•'EME tN msmc-r SORGOCHA. Executivc Enginecr, Highwys Oivision Sargodha. c e WS paper R*O.026 Superintending Engino". Circle Sargodha- IPL41&4 ug, from Thenews dated 30 August, 2024
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