Oil & Gas Development Company Limited Islamabad Tender Notice for Hiring Of,Consultancy Service,Consultant,Procuremnt Supply,Installation,Testing & Commissioning,Solar System,Solar Works,Installation Of Solar System,Solar Panel ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** INVITATION TO E-BID THROUGH SAP ARIBA DISCOVERY are invited through SAP-ARIBA Oiscoa•ry for the setvice/material given below under competitive bidding procedureasper public (PPRA) rule$ s.g TENDER NUMBER OGDCL-SCM-SERVICE:S- OF OGDCL CB.LOG.263S071SS.2024 TO O*RSWST.I 2. LMNG AND CARAVANS AT "1-259769397-2024 RIGS DATE & TIME EXTENSION IN BID CLOSING & OPENING DATE Reference our lender Notices published in thisnewspapetca 13.08-2024 ard it is notified that bid submisseanjropenilbqdates are e•zteodedasfoltows: TENDER NO, OGDCL.SCU.SERVICES. 1. CB-JV•26151B705-2024 OGOCL-SCM-LOCAI-CB- 2. LOG.260S87498-2024 diddets have ale te-submit thesarnebe bids will be HIRING CONSULTA'CY SERVICES FOR STRATEGY OEVüOPUEta ANO BUSINESS OF OGDCL PROVISION' RSIAUATION & COVWSSICNING KW SOUR ACCESSORIES DATE/ TIME 09.052024 10.0%2024 3. S. 6. segr tbeir proposals may ta&e them back and mised closing date and tirne mequionedabove- tesafter therev•ised bids recdet detöitedinstnjctionsareawailableon PPRA website at FRß.ppra.otgpV ter•deg docutueqtsåace available online and bids age also required to be submitted online through e-DfdEurement portal at or for detaitS see for Bidders set tico• Of the tender documents. OGOCI the right to accept or reject bid and to annul the bidding g.rocess tejectalllhe bids as PublicPrccuement Regulatory Authority (PPHA) Rute•33 General Manager (Supply Chain Management) OIL & GAS DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LIMITED OGDCL House. Jinnah Avenue. ISVamabad. Pakistan. Phono NO. 92-51-920023540/3795 LARGEST PAVER OF TRE O Newspaper ( 30 Aug, 2024) from Thenews dated 30 August, 2024
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