Local Government And Community Development Gujrat Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NOTICE lite tend" thi sete.mes cmtncicts the bans Of *age rates *ove ca TS estimates f as pet EPRA EVAD coline ',yith relevant PPR,A Rules up to '*c), Acceding to these Rules. thc ftmwreoatraet«s can pallicipate in tmdctingptcccss with following and cendiLioas: The intending Coattac:tcø Firms valid registration with Pakista• Engineeri% Co•rvcil 7011 tttgrelevant eligible to paticipte intctestcd Ccatrac.tors Finas have to bc registered nya information procedure regzrdiag registration be seen $ obtained from PPRA 3. All intendingcmtractots/firmshas•etouploadtheea.mes.tmoncyintheWofCDRinfavvutof the Engineer, LG&CD, Civil Division, Guint @ of thc cs.timued co•t Sid fill agaiwt the wcck s.arnc heut the opening ü,tc Md time Of tender. original CDR 'has to be in the effe A,tsi$tatt LG&CD Civil Sub Division Mandi on day, Bout tcfc«e the cptdins bib the coo.ttaeto,r hill disqualified in prec.nce of Tender Opening 4. After filling bids website; ccqtza.etctS attetd thc office Of Assistant Engineer. Civil Sab Macdi Baha,'din on at 02:30 9M. thc quce:d tata by the ccmtra.ctc«s be tettieved thc of Tcadet Op:cing Comalittec the *fid time. 5. cost. 6. in bid by No telepboaic j' noaey will be emetl*ined. 7. tn Of fake inf«mstiéti/ such I the Fim will be disqualified from the tendering will be black listed to in uy tendering pecccss of LCi&CD Department. Funhet reec•tnneodatica to will also bc made against such black Estn,g. 8. The msy reject all lime to bid Ot ptgp:sals undet PPRA Rule•3S (Rejection Of Bids), payment rales prey:oedhy tie Go•æmmctit Of Punj•b, Lowest Bidder whose bid rate Ot "law ofsanc.Gcacd estimstcd •cast Otthe wcd. be to dtp•cgit diffetcace bctwen bid & etitrtated COSt Cs per quoted by the bidde Secuüy in the shape otCDRj Guaraatec uty bank after receipc opening ottcodets will be ca successful complectea ia case Of his egt*$t mcacy fe:feited in the against aedit material will edjtasted manually bio nual Development Programme 2024-25 Strict Mandi Bal•audin Cwt & Name Of Scheme {VJ MooeyS% O,ate ConstrwSoa Of tse Chü NO, 20 I 81.133 Maod.i Limit o: bid exceee; $0," M reviling will *iOble in ASSISTANT ENGINEER IPL-8186 EXECUTIVE ENGINEER LG&CD, CIVIL DIVISION GUJRAT c e WS paper ug, from Thenews dated 30 August, 2024
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