Punjab Information Technology Board Lahore Tender Notice for Procurement Of High End Laptops ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** PUNJAB INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY BOARD (PITS) INVITATION TO BID tnfo«mation Techno'ogv BO*d the Punjab. *'Nites bids 2 The voeutertwt Shau completed in With two Prooeeute tender Oocurnentsare also avüble at free o' cost. "d security s.aoo.cgo 2014, &bull may 5. 8. technical Separate Bids. signed. and it" cot-rolete conformity must be %bmitted Acquisition System IEPAOS) Lee, date bids shaw be at 1230 date, as net PPRA Rure:s. 2014. didoes ate to ensure E&bullPADS wea the deaöi&bullne. and Wilt ter the date and Aid submissiti on E&bullPnS Pod be the responsedit&bullr 01 bidder. not be heu responsible lot issues thereof. Foe assistance teor&g t-PADSPoetaa. sys.ten'ugwt email and ate provided hereunder. and late. or sW&bullnitted than a specified Bids that are tax cert&ate $cuænts in Tender the su&tnasjan. ü&rs reqiBted to register at OADS pleagtontitt and 03W5970303, Note: P' 1B may reject or at any time prit to the *teptante o' Sid Ot IPL-8236 Rult'S. Director (Development & Procurement) Punjab Information Technology Board 2nd Floor, Arfa Software Technology Park, 346-8, Ferozepur Road Lahore, Ph: (042199000000, Fax 1042} 99232123 web: c ews paper ug, from Nawaiwaqt dated 30 August, 2024
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