Water & Power Development Authority Haripur Tender Notice for Procurement Of Office Chairs,Office Tables,School Chairs,White Board,Water Tanks,Desktops Computer,Printer,Library Books ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** Quotation No. PK-AF-TARBELA 4TH-SDP-RFQ-GHS/BHS-GHAZI REQUEST FOR QUOTATIONS Procurement of Furniture and Accessories for Schools in Tehsil Ghazi, under Social Development Plan T-5 HP Water & Power Development Authority (WAPDA) invites sealed quotations from authorized manufacturers/suppliers/vendors etc. duly registered with FBR as active taxpayers and other relevant authorities within Pakistan for the purchase of computer/lT/electronic equipment with the following specifications/quantity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Items Office Chairs Office Tables School Chairs Office Table White Board Water Tanks Qty. 80 30 665 1 3 2 Desktop 1 Computer 1 Printer Library 150 Books Specifications Teacher Chair 18"x18" Standard height, standard steel frame with corrosion resistant coating, netted with natural cane Teacher Table ?x4' Standard height, standard steel frame with corrosion resistant coating, with drawers Student tablet Chair Standard height, standard steel frame with corrosion resistant coating Office Table Standard height with Lamination Top and 3 drawers White Board 8'x4'. Good quality, with wall arrangement Supply/installation of plastic Water Tank 500 Liters, food grade material Desktop Computer-Intel Ci5 equivalent, 8Gb Ram, ITB HDD, a/w 14" LED display complete with all accessories and Microsoft Windows + Office LaserJet Monochrome All in Oner with print speed 25 ppm Standard Library books for High School including Literature, General Knowledge, Islamic and World History etc. (The books shall be subject to changes as per demand, will be communicated at the time of delivery) After-Sales Service: After-sales service/adjustment/calibration/software update facility in the supplier's premises is mandatory. Necessary training of operation and maintenance shall be imparted at the place of installation by the supplier's technical team. Terms & Conditions: Delivery Schedule: Within maximum of 60 days after the issuance of the Purchase Order on full or partial basis. 2. Delay Damages@ 5% per month or part thereof subject to a maximum of ten percent (10%) of unsupported materials by the Consignee. 3. Method of Payment: Bidders will be entitled to 100% payment against supply on production of bill along-with sales tax invoice duly supported by the following documents: Bill in triplicate ii. Warranty Certificate iii. Delivery Challan. Warranty: The Supplier will furnish a Warranty Certificate (01 year at least), certifying that the goods supplied conforming exactly to the specifications as laid down in Purchase Order and are brand new and that in event of the material being found defective or not conforming to the specifications / particula the supply at the time of delivery, the Supplier will be responsible for II osses and that the unacceptable goods shall be substituted with acceptable goodS(at the Supplier's risk & cost. 4. Inspection: Prior to delivery of Goods-and final acceptance are as follows: a) ISt inspection: Before deliver at the supplier's premises. b) Pinspection: After delivery: at Ghazi. 5. Submission / Opening of Quo!ations: Office of Chief Engineer / Project Director T5HPP, Tarbela 5th Ext. HP, T hs;i Ghazi, District Haripur. Opening will be done in public on 30.092024 (1130 Hrs) 6. Place of Delivery•Ghåzi, Haripur 7. Quotations cantbe submitted in person or by post indicating Terms & Conditions, Technical Specifications, Unit Cost and all taxes, Delivery Schedule, and Validity of Quotation (minimum 45 days). 8. Complete Quotations (all items shall be quoted. Partial quotations will not be accepted) along with the brochure, shall be submitted on 30.09.2024 before 1100 Hrs. in a sealed envelope indicating "Quotation for Procurement of Furniture and accessories for Schools in Tehsil Ghazi". The Quotation will be opened in presence of Bidders/Suppliers who choose to attend. 9. Electronic Quotations are not allowed. 10. Evaluation of the quotations received shall be out in accordance with the World Bank Procurement Guidelines. The terms and conditions of the accepted offer will be included in the Supply/Purchase Order. Chief Engineer/Project Director Tarbela 5th Extension Hydropower Project WAPDA, Tarbela Dam, Ghazi-Haripur This notice is also available at the PPRA Website:www. ra.or . k c Website: I PRD(L)/WAPDA/068(2024-25) Donate or Diamer Basha and ohman Dams ewspaper ug, from Nation dated 30 August, 2024
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