Military Engineer Services Rawalpindi Tender Notice 2 for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing,Sewerage Sys Line ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** MILTARY ENGINEER SERVICES NOTICE OF TENDERS Tne VV&CE eumy) the Oescripuon Of WO teat No 3 and Lrtk Rd Lht Llpyd ot sop Syo to LJG) at omc.r d. e. m. q. upgtd Sp (OH to IJG) at Cavalry Ground St 20. 21 22 at 20tBRCoy. and Shato upvd Wær S',æply at A MOQ and of water SS G at Lhr Intone-king Watér Supps&bull Pipe at MSG T&VeV Mait Water Supply to Ujan Mit No corps to Ti'W&bullll E type Sbarni Rd and TIWen to Watet LRC 303 Spares Depot 79 Ord. 319 an upgrd g/' Waw and Zamzama Mess LRC I-neat9AK SS Line LRC IJöørd of SL4ply Line 25 158 92 F&bullld, &bullO Sign coy. 4 56 Baloch, 212 URC upøtd Of Mian Lhr at 1 Cost (R. un 4&ioO 44 999 42.000 00 -11927 Ƈ.4E upwg of Wrer T"Nell COD to Rd 342 Bde. 28 Punji, 2 up. 9 Engr.. 297 upgra 'f 8 Sewerap cav Gar. Mazhar ChitralLE_eashit Line 15 Arrrg Saul e are requ documents at (Sotia.1 8). The be md tender dce.rnents in re&bullvant and area, Tenders onw be inuoo to firrnø have conüions required job i:zed cogmaor&bull. must this office by It 30 Hr. t 3 wa 1200 on Shan that ate not any With Oeartn&bullnt in coud ot spea repo n Oi Inspediüi and Counea (PECL n&bullC's Branch GHOJ is than certify in Edh P*istan cagy Ot Cornaors not PEC oo apprc&bulled List in &bull onty S, Contr&bullcør desire may to Ibe tend will be dealt as P&bull&bull 33 (i) Ot PPRA. 7 The contact ACE 4 Corps h« dotaiio from houn O Newspaper ( 30 Aug, 2024) from Nation dated 30 August, 2024
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