Capital Development Authority Islamabad Tender Notice for Humination Of Government Building At Constitution Avenue On Hiring Basis On The Occasion Of Eid Milad Un Nabi ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (Mechanical Division-II) TENDER NOTICE #HumCOA seakd tende1S are tWéby ilih<ed tlwwgt' ccen competitive bi%iä il Stage CQ emetop mcceåce and basis 'Or worts from contractors / fwrns duly enssted with P"jstan En•neetirg l?€Cj in aøpo:otiate cateqa•y Codes PEC tcense. Time Last Date lot NIT Cast Name Ot Ilumi•ST1 01 Buåfngs Earnest Tenter issuing ot tee Rs. ll-ca.2024 Avenue Basis 205,200'. ot EID 01 P.M Days. openttg ot tenders Receiving Coerü•g tender } boosnert:s can be pwcttased easti R5k3,00W• each 01 Dent/ director, CON. %0.1 8b". Pak Sectt_ Isuc•gbadoo daysdutino ottvce titrings upto ute Purchasnq n•zanual tender is cc«WLggry, No appicati%i tendes be 2. 3. 4. 5, 6, 7, 8. 9, receie•d atter schedlße dated Onti firms contract" enlisted connected with PPM on E-PADS to bid wrhase ti"ng documents. vend" we 's App&ation shzåd te accompaüd wh bid arnest he shape Pay order at Call ICON clea.'ti intfc&g fre Nwne cl.É issued by ecal schedJed bank in tava 01 Oimctc«, Mechanical Oiwition•ll. CDA be generated trom own account Cash Coen wtt:nout Ld Seago Ornes.t Mooe•y not be actMeOor issuant* tende The ptospeetive bidden also upload seanned capm df Bid Security J COR E,PAÆS. Tewiet will opened it the otliee of Cireebr ESM (Maintl COA, toeated at *P'" 8Joc:k Sectt 8uibf" Islamabad on sc*Wda.te and rnenti:oed above. The proveetive bidders are requ"ed to wbmit •eir Bids cee through E-PAOS •t or belore IOder cæring frne. Origin* bds acudance terms & Conditions as defined in the tidif•ng dxunterts rrust Dtet:tg COA located at Poorn NO. 1 8btk be itt the The cotena 01 h at least 03 relevant orders in 151 two financial yearsyntje•otjserved bef.xe issuætce c' The prospective also req.'üed submit u" undet*hg cn Stan-.p Paper dilly aæsted by rotary' worth-•t'less tan Rs SC, the firnv' comut« are neither iwotued in uv•i blick listed government Seni autcoynml,s body in Pakistan Yd information cr provided by frrn for issuu-ce cd terder document IC•und fCtjtiws tat iS 6squüfütiO'i and kO.l acto 'e law. an Ot 'OPCG8$ at tit'e gioc to the xceptance a b16 gtOOOS8 and bids be at spot as pe PPHA The Earnest rrgney ct bidders be in at Account Mechaical -II CDA. 'E&ased after acceptarce gf in favor successful ffm 10. case of w" be 11. Tender hc&e & BOO can teseen & dranloadedtrcn bcthCOAw&te incbing E•PADS Soltme. OOBlty Oirectot mechanical OWisjon.11. COA. o Newspaper ( 30 Aug, 2024) PIO t49Z,a , from Dunya dated 30 August, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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