Cantonment Board Gujranwala Tender Notice for Procurement Of Loader Riskshaw,Floor Sheet,Wall Sheets,Hydraulic Rubber, ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** CANTONMENT BOARD GUJRANWALA NOTICE INVITING E-BIDDING Cantonment a ccxgorate navlr»a success,hxt Od seal irates elect:orüc Irccn well t.uted with i'Ec«ne tax nd Sile tu *'ld wtto are acte tax cavers ot Federal Board 01 With PPRA aul,es 2004 stage sir.* moc.edure i c«rmng Description 1. Loader acor 'licknes:s W'a.ll %ee.t thi&1ßS Oe pawer pack remote inverted F#'drauli2 'R Ibbet Terms and Conditions 05 Nos i pty 1. The bidffna hll te con&JCted though Eebidding system, Tent*' lorm BOO be and do•wt'åNdR] ftCtn tre Oltcja.l we.bSdE01 ML. & C oepartrnert i.e [https•JktenderrnlC.•aces. bidders ae to have viidNTN, rates ircudiraa jrcorne GST 3. The S.EWII S.utX'M ccn.jt'iM lepresematjve bid scurdy seded tar ot the esornatec tn *tape ot SChedl.hd b.antk bCfOte tet'dg Cb3GirtO t.irtte. 4, The tender Shdl be cast 17 Septerrt•ec 1.oto 1130 'on website (h s.bSJpe'opene•d on the same at 1230 xn rve preseree ot teneerer oc Obeir reøres«ttatjve, wtnaa•g tke to be oreser•n 4. 5. Connond can 6. Cutt Board.'Executive terrier as PPR,A No,33 b3 reason the ear. 7. The ot Shal be upto 180 days as per Rules. 8. G l*anwalä resents to dena.nd rates frc«n tne to rescotBibiitV WOtX&ilty. g. The rates ot and case escalaton She be aamtssttye any 10.AJl Govt taxes Shan deducted Irccn fre bdl as pg rukS. , The sajd acvettisernent is also avauat;æ on PPRA wetjste_ totjcc Boar d cmtmrnert Board Gujtarrwu wet'&te LE CANTT EXECUTIVE OFFICER JINNAH AVENUE. CANTONMENt 055-920164'. 055-9201643 W0bß/te: Emoil; Cb_ [email protected] O Newspaper ( 30 Aug, from Dunya dated 30 August, 2024
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