Oil & Gas Development Company Limited Islamabad Tender Notice for Hiring Of,Consultancy Service,Consultant,Solar System,Solar Works,Installation Of Solar System,Solar Panel ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** - - - - - INVITATION TO E-BID THROUGH SAP ARIBA DISCOVERY E-Bids are invited through SAP-ARIBA Discovery for the service/material given below under competitive bidding procedure as per public procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA) rules; TENDER NUMBER DESCRIPTION OGDCL-SCM-SERVICES- TRANSPORTATION OF OGDCL RIG CB-LOG-263507155-2024 FROM TAYNE-I TO DARS WEST-I OGDCL-SCM-SERVICES-CB-PQ- PRE-QUALIFICATION FOR REPAIR OF 2. LIVING AND OFFICE CARAVANS AT mi-259769397-2024 OGDCL RIGS CLOSING DATE & TIME 17.09.2024 AT 1030 Hrs 18.09.2024 AT 1030 Hrs EXTENSION IN BID CLOSING & OPENING DATE Reference our Tender Notices published in this newspaper on 13.08.2024 and 14.08.2024, it is notified that the bid submission/opening dates are extended as follows: s.# TENDER NO. DESCRIPTION HIRING OF CONSULTANCY SERVICES OGDCL-SCM-SERVICES- FOR STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT AND CB-JV-261518705-2024 BUSINESS DIVERSIFICATION OF OGDCL PROVISION, INSTALLATION & COMMISSIONING OF 400 KW SOLAR OGDCL-SCM-LOCAL-CB- SYS@ALONGWITH ACCESSORIES 2. LOG-260587498-2024 AT LOGISTIC FIELD KOTARANG, DISTRICT CHAKWAL REVISED CLOSING DATE/ TIME 09.092024 AT 1030 Hrs 10.092024 AT 1030 Hrs 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Bidders who have already su mitted/ sent their proposals (bids) may take them back and re-submit the same beforetbe revised closing date and time mentioned above. All bids will be opened inutes after the revised bids closing date/ time. Tender Notice/ detail? Instructions are available on PPRAwebsiteat Tender documentsare available online and bids are also required to be submitted online through e-@curement portal at or htt s: discove roflle AN01562899621 for details see "Instruction for Bidders Section" of the tender documents. OGDCL reserves the right to accept or reject any bid and to annul the bidding process and reject all the bids as per Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA) Rule-33 General Manager (Supply Chain Management) OIL & GAS DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LIMITED OGDCL House, Jinnah Avenue, Islamabad, Pakistan. No. 117/07 Phone No. 92-51-920023540/3795 LARGEST TAX PAYER COMPANY OF THE NATION O Newspaper ( 30 Aug, 2024) WE EXPLORE PROSPERITY » from Businessrecorder dated 30 August, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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