Military Engineer Services Islamabad Tender Notice (2) for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction, Construction And Reparing,Construction Of Type Shed ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** MILITARY ENGINEER SERVICES NOTICE OF TENDER Ref: 651/5-Corps/Pri List-24-25/SZ Applications are invited by DG W&CE (Army) GHQ Rawalpindi for pre-qualification of firms / contractors and issue of tender documents for the following works / svcs of Pri List Projs FY 2024-25 atAOR of ACE 5 Corps in the light of clause-13, 15 & 16 of PPRA 2004:- Ser a. b. c. d e. f. g h j. k m. m o. p q r. s. Description of Work Interlinking of Sewerage with Main Line at Malir Cantt Upgrd of CMH Badin Constof 1 xJCO Club, 115 Med at Pnl Cantt Constof 1 x 32 Men SM Bk at Pnl Cantt Constof 1 x Gun Shed SH-15, 174 Med Pnl Cantt Constof I B Type Veh Shed at 203 LBBE Kotri Constof 1 x B Type Shed, 115 Med Regt Pnl Cantt Constof 1 x B Type Shed, 174 Med Regt Pnl Cantt Constof 1 x B Veh Shed at Umer Kot Hyd Provn of Road at Pnl Cantt Constof 1 x Gun Shed 115 Med Regt Pnl Cantt Const of 2 x Lav Blocks at Badin Cantt Const of 2 x Lav Blocks at Chhor Cantt Const of 2 x Lav Blocks at Hyd Gantt Constofl x POLStore, 174 Med Regt Pnl Constof 1 x POL Store, 115 Med Regt at Pnl Cantt Upgrd of Hanger 1 ArmyAvn at Pnl Cantt Repl of Sewerage Line at Various Locs at Pn Provn / Const of Misc Resdl / Non Resdl acilities at Malin Karachi, Hyd, Sakrand, Chhor, Badin, Petaro, Bholari, GanjuTakkar, Sehwan, Kotri, Pnl,Su 1! , ahimYarKhan, Surhian and otherAORofACE5Corps FY 2024-25 Approx Cost 24976 20 685 38097 26978 59777 24 028 25476 25063 21786 19.187 59618 1094 11685 11015 8.522 7 984 14.165 10058 800 00 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The firms / contractors will furnis c'omplete credentials and detail of completed / ongoing projects alongwith satisfactory completion certificate as sho@a (Serial 8). Firms / contractors having experience in aforesaid works / services registered with MES in category 'Ato nd PEC (registration valid upto 30th June 2025) in the relevant filed will be preferred. Incomplete application sh not be entertained. Tenders will be issuedto Pre-qualified firms / contractors and are required to be received by the accepting officer DG W&CE (Army) GHQ Rawa pindi by 16 Sep 2024 till 1130 hours and will be opened at 1200 hours on the same date. Firms / contractors who desire may be present at the time of opening oftenders. The accepting officer reserves the right to accept or reject the tender. Rejected tenders will be dealt with as per Para-33 of PPRARules2004. The interested parties can contact ACE 5 corps I CMES (A) Pni I CMES (A) Hyd I CMES (A) Mir authorized representative for further details (if required) during office working hours. Name of Works Amount Time Ser Executed During Last Agency of Allowed Date of %age Departmental Performance Date of Completion Progress of on Each Work From The Commencement Work in Hand 2 Years and in Hand Work (Months) Engineer in Charge O Newspaper ( 30 Aug, 2024) from Businessrecorder dated 30 August, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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