Muslim Aid Serving Humanity Islamabad Tender Notice for Tender,Construction Of Livestock Shed ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** O_Muslim Aid TENDER NOTICE Muslim Aid (MAi a non-prom ano non-governmental argammon, iS implementing a prolect wvtn tne Sl.:pport Of MIJSl;i1tl Ad (US). MA iltvaes *IEd tende proviSi•tYi Of 5. Oes:cnpti00 rne tenner car be downloader email: suppliers.rservite providers tite location Mipur Sar•ar te cao pe 2, 3. 4. 5. 8. Oftice. Office •t. Istflaor. Business Centre. FECHS. 11/2. urnanaa, Pakistan an nursrfay Septemet 2024 belote 03:00 PM Inrougn Cotsrjer or nana ang nn case a tr.e reaso me tender will be the next working the same timqmøv,enue. Ratesmug be taxes. packing,and costs Bidder are to sunmitbit the hid th:eform ot COR,'Pay-crderio "Muslim Bids reiecteff Seated Qveapes. mention«11- hnar.cial Proposal. 2— cancel any or reason. didders mustnot beengaqed inanyccrrupt. fraudulent. collusive or coercive practices irdudinq bl,nnollirnited appbvWbiCding by rnullipoe companies. l' any bidders func tobeinvolvec insuch practices hismerbit maybe reject«i Mldthecompamesinquestion permanent* listed grice w" sale criteria• time experiencewill also he Fot further intormation call at 02-051-2305356-, Email: [email protected] c ews paper ug, from Kawish dated 29 August, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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