Water & Sanitation Agency Lahore Tender Notice 14 for Installation Of Supervisory Control & Data Aquistion Scada System For Pumping Machinery Installed,Tubewell Installed ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** enqsa LAHORE WATER & SANITATION AGENCY (LDA) OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR MAINTENANCE Opposite 23-Main Gulberg-ll, OLD OllR Lahore. W SA f m approved contractors from relevant Single Mage One Envelope Sealed tenders for the work mentioned below are i Authority/fotum who valid renewal, SO us 10 reach the undersigned office Ot O &bull five Main Gulberg-ll, Old Ohr Lahore. Phone on the date given below at 1730 am the bids properly subinine will be opened, read and recorded, Tender f tender against written request, documents can be obtained from the oliice of lhe undersigned immediately aner Tenders will be received in Ghe once of the undersigned up to I i o he date of receiving/opening and will be opened ing conåractors or their representatives, Conditional tenders on same date M} pm hy the undersigned in the presence 01' int 01' firms will not he entertained. nithout attesrd copies ot' registered partnership dead and power or att d office and can also be dov.nloaded from PPRA i. The Bidding Documents are avoilable immediately f Punjab Website after publication 20 1'l PPRA Rules 25 iii The bidding documents will be issued to lhe aspirant bidde lhe receipt of non-refundable tender fee pnid chü]lan. iii. Bid security @ must be in the shape ofCDR ou be in of XEN (Maintenance) and clearh showing bidder company name. iv. No Tender will be accepted Milich is received te yically orby post. end&. v. No Tender will be issued on date ofrece' via The bid will be valid tor lhe 120-days_ ring agency may reject ail bids or proposals at any lime prior to the vii. Asper Clause of PPM Rules 20 acceptance ofu bid or proposal, the release of funds, viii. Work order and execution of w In case. last daqe of bid su &bull issi and opening falls in/vvilhin lhe official holidays. the last date submission and opening of the bids Shall be the working da} Note: Any other information cun bc taiiietl from office of the undersigned during working hours. sri' 01 on TENDERNQ$XEN-I (M VI 2/2024-25 INSTALLATIOVOFSUPERVISORY CONTROL AND DATA AQUISITION (SCADA) SYSTEM FOR PUMPING MACHINERY INSTALLED AT 13-NO. TUBEWELLS. WASA. LAHORE]" (PROVIDING & INSTALLATION OF SCADA/AUTOMATION SYSTEM AT BLOCK TUBEWELL). TAL Estimated cost (Rs) 2 170,000.00 Tender price Earnest Money (Rs) 55,50CL dnte Of Issuance of Tender (During office 1 1-09-20211 Date for Receiving/ Opening of Tender 12-09-2021' O Newspaper ( 29 Aug, 2024) from Ppra dated 29 August, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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