Water & Sanitation Agency Lahore Tender Notice 7 for Provision Of Computer & Laptops, ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** WATER AND SANITATION AGENCY (LDA) LAHORE DIRECTORATE OF MA INVENANCE Opposite-23 Main Gulberg Pani Wali Tunki NO. OJ, Gulbcrg. Lubore Email: [email protected] LAHORE w Ph: 042-35753064 NDERN CE Single Stage One Envelop Sealed lenders the work nwntioned below are inviqcd liom prow contractors from relevunt itilid reneual. so as 10 reach the undersigned OITice at Opposite 23. Main Gulberg, Tanki No.Ol, Lahore on date given below when the bids properly submilted will be opened. read and recorded. Tender doc ment can be obtained from the of the undersigned innevediatel> publishing of tender againsl written request. 2. Tenders will be received in the of the undersigned upto 1 1:30 am on d' ceivinyopcning and will tux opened on the date 12.'lHi pm by the undersigned in the presence of intending contractors or lheir rep Conditional tenders without attested copies orregistcrc•d partnership dead and pm,ver 01' anotney in case or Iirms will nol be I he Bidding Documents ure available immediaqely aner publication Roles 25 Ihe bidding documents will be issued 10 the aspirant bidders on thc i or non-refundable tender fee paid lied must he in Ihe Shape of CDR @ which sh in@vor OT XliN •II {Maintenance) ond clearly showing lhe bidder company name. I V '1 ender he accepted is received telegraphical No I Nill bc issued on the date or receipt tender bid will he 120-da», As perClause I) of PPRA Rules 2014. e •may reject all bids orproposa15 at any time prior the of bid or proposal. VIII, Work order and execution of work subject 10 th rel In case. lhe last date or bid submission iå@falls in/within the official holidays. the last dale for submission and opening the bids shall be the nest Any other information can be obtuin from the office orthe undersigned during working hours. rk TENDER ) 0/2024-25 Estimated Tender Price Earnest Money t Rs) 400,00 21 IOO Last dale Of issuance of Tender (During office hours I I -09.2024 iMAINTEN, Dote for Receiving Opening or tender 12.09-2024 I'ROHS/C)N or COMPUTER'S AND t.APTOP FOR FM'S 1055000 DFRLCIORATE WASA. I.DA. LAHORE T.S vide 16-08-2024 O Newspaper (29 Aug, 2024) WA LAHORE from Ppra dated 29 August, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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