Water & Sanitation Agency Lahore Tender Notice 3 for Establishmnet Of Monsoon Camp Addu Plots,Dia Sewer Lines ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** us-asa LAHORE WATER AND SANITATION AGENCY LAHORE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, LAHORE F Block, LDA Avenue.l, Lahore. WASA TENDER NOTICE. 3. 4, 5. 6. 7, 8. 10 tenders mentioned below are invited from WASA approved contractors Lave deposited the renewal fees foe lhe year 2024-25. so ts to reach lhe ur.dersigned on the dute given below, when the bids properly will be opened, read and recorded. Tender documems can be obtained from office [he undersigned again* written request accompanied with aneqed copies of enlistment/ upto date renewal letters. PEC Lleense authofi1Y better or Identity Card Of contractor Managing panners of firm along with registered power of auorney and get the Challan af prescribed tender fee located at F-Block LDA Avenue-I nousing Scheme, rates and amount should be filled in ligures as well as in words and tenders should be signed us per general directions given in the tender documents. Tenders can be purchased upto date 13-09-2024. Tetlder witl be received in thc of]ice OT undersigr•ed on 14-09•202a upto 12.00Noon and opened on same day on 12:30P.M lhereaaer in presence of intending coturactors or their representatives. Work order and execution of work upon the release Of tender Will Bid will be of the estimated price in shape OT tjCFJCDR- Tender bid security will not accepted PETRA Rule Thc bidding documents are availcble immediately after publication RARule 25(1)_ No tender will be accepted which is received telegraphically or p No tender will be issued on the date or receipt oftender. Tiw bid will be valid foc the 30 days, Tend&r be issue after depositing the vender fee. o g agency may reJee;1 all bids at any Jime to tlk acceplance bid or proposal Under Pg bPP.RA Rule (2014 Rule•3S). 12. (For Works) Payment Coquraeujr cun up go (01) year or may be more, as the payment is 10 be by WASA own source WAS A RevetuG very. ivej Of the approved estimated {DNIT) lowest bidder Note: In CLSC total !eudered amount is less than will have to deposit additional perfoan•nce Note: Any other inrormgtionean be obtain Of Wor from thc Scheduled Bank tanging from 5% to 10%. tlte ornee ot the undersigned during working hours. Estimøted Cast Tender 500'. Bid Securi' TENDER "Desilting of 18" & 36" Dia Sewer Lines Through*, h Machine at Station Road, 03 Matla3Scheme and Neat Phanak Round Abbbt•iil Raiwind Road" TENDER Establishment of Monsoon Camp at Addn Plot Round About in LDA Avenue-I Tender Receiving 14-09-2024 at i 4-09-2024 Date/Time of Opening 2:30 pm O Sub Division WASA, LDA, Lahore" Newspaper ( 29 Aug, XEMO&M.II) 2024) from Ppra dated 29 August, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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