Water & Sanitation Agency Lahore Tender Notice 2 for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** AGENCY LARORE YAS&TENDER NOTICE Single Sage One Envelop Scaled lcndcrs (Or lhe '*Ork menuoned below are invited from approved from relevant authority forum. who have valid renewal, so as to reach lhe undersigned Office Libeny Lahore on the danc given below at, 12:00 noon when thc bids properly submitted will be opened, reed and recorded. Tender docuiT.cni-5 be obtained (totn the office of the undersigned immedialcly uncr publi5hing of lender against written requested. Tender wilE be received in the office of the undersigned upto 1200 noon on the date of receiving Iopcning and will be opened on '3.e danc Ot 1230 pm by thc unde75igned in the presence Of intending contractors or their representatives, Conditional tenders without atte51ed «jpies octegistered partnership dead and power Of attomey in cuc of firms will cntcnained, Thc Bidding Documents arc availablc immcdiatclyafiet publication 20 PPRA Rules 2S(1). II. The bidding documents will be issued to the aspirant bidding on the ofnon•refundmble tender fee paid Challan. Ill. Bid secungy must be in the which should in tavor or Gulberg clearly Slnwing the bidder company name. No Tender will be accepted which is received telegrapW V. No Tender will issued on the date of receip4 of tender VI, nebid 120•doys. VII. As 01PPR.A the may reject acceptance OT a bid or proposal. VIII. Work orderand execution of work subject to tl&easeoffunds. IX In case, the last date of bid submission and in within the omcial holidays; the Iostdate for submission and opening orthe bidsshallbelhenextwor g Note:• Any other information eon be the Office Of the undersigned during working hour. Cost Rehabilitation Mid Beaulifica/ion Of Shama Stop Disposal Stalion in Sub Division (GO, 95 WASA„ LDA„ T.Sissued Vide No.XES Tender Earnest 33000 Purebrseof thne ot 1409.2024 Date gnd Time 1409.2024 at 1230 (Kashif Rasool) EXECUTIVE WASA, Lahore O Newspaper ( 29 Aug, 2024) from Ppra dated 29 August, 2024
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