The University Of Haripur Haripur Tender Notice for Procurement Of Chemicals,Glassware,Lab Equipment,IT Computer,Networking,Electrical ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** THE UNIVERSITY OF HARIPUR KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA (PROCUREMENT OFFICE) Advertisement No- U014Adv/gg.2024 PRE-QUALIFICATIONS The University of Haripur invites applications from reputable firms, companies, and suppliers to participate in the Pre•Qualification process for the following categories. Applicants must be registered with the Provincial Revenue Authority/FBR (NTN, GST) and hold active taxpayer status. S. No Cate Reference No 01 Pre-Qualification of Chemicals, UOFVADV/99-2024-A Glassware's, Lab Equipments Pre-Qualification of (IT, Computers, UOWADV/99-2024-B 02 Networking, Electrical) Equipment's TERMS & CONDITIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The detailed terms & conditions have been set forth in Tender Document which is available in the Procurement Office The University of Haripur, on Payment of Rs 20C0f-Non-RefundabIe (Stationery Charges) in the form of Bank OraftJPay order in favor of Treasurer, The University of Haripur. In caseof Pre-Qualifications documents downloa fr The University of Haripur should be itted along with pay orderdemand draft of Non-Refundable. No bid will be acceptedwithout Stationery The Bidding Fitm/Company/Supplier k113ttach bid Security Rs. 50,000/- (Refundable) with shall be mitted from the account of firmmiddercontractors who su he bid in the form of Call Deposit ReceptinfavorofTreasurer, T iveßityof Haripur, The Tender should reach t by September 12 2024 before 1100 am. Bidswillbeopened date at ii am, intheRegistrar Office Quotations/Bids mu bmitted through Courier/Pastal Service. No QuotationJBidwill ived by hand end receipt after due date & time, Firms that are a pre-qualified with The Universåy of Harpur are required tosu a eshproposal along witha stationery fee of Rs 2000 Proof of the iously submitted bid security is sufficient: there is no need to subm security a fresh and the firms who have been earliff pre- qualifi "led to submit freshfrenewed poposal shall be considered to have drawn their pre-qualification and will not be considered as pre- qualified thereafter The University resenes the right to accept CT reject any or all bids as per KPPRAs & PPRAs Rules or assign any reason in the best interest of the University Errors and omissions, if any. shall be subject to rectification by the University Procurement Officer The University of Haripur, Hattar road Haripur, Ph. No. 0995-920618 O Newspaper ( 29 Aug, 2024) from Ppra dated 29 August, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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