Services Hospital Lahore Tender Notice 4 for Procurement Of Local Purchase Of Medicines,Surgical Disposal Items,Linen Store Items,Purchase Of Cardiac Monitors,Purchase Of Infusion Pump,Lab Kits & Chemicals ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** TENDER NOTICE SIMS$Services Hospital, Lahore invites sealed bids from the firms having established credentials in terms ofteehnieal„ financial and managerial capabilities of the following items as per detail given below. Srs 2. 4, 6, Namc of Items Department, Prequalification Wulk•tn Registration of vendor for Locul Purchase of Medicines / Surgical Disposal Items on Day to Day Basis throu PITd (tel. Prequalification i Walk-ln Registration of Vendor for Local Purchase Of Medicines Surgical Disposal [terns on Petty purchase Basis thro PITB ortal, Framework contract of Linen Store Items (Retender) for the financial year 2024-25. Purchase of Cardiac Monitors 5- parameters with accesseTies, Services Hos ital. Lahore. Tender). Purchase of infusion pump, Services Hospital, Lahore. 1204 Tender). PLrchase Of Automatic Voltage Stabilizer 80 KVA for Skill I-abs SIMS Services Hospital. Lahc«. Tender Flamework Contract of Lab Rits & Chemicals (Remaining ItemsJ2fil Tendet$ SEMS'S•erviccs H ital, Lahore. 02 % Bid Security in shape Date of Tender Opening CDR' Guarantee 02 % Ofestimated amount as pet bidding documents 02 % Ofestimated amount as per bidding documents 02 % of estimated amount as per bidding documents 02 % of estimated amount as per bidding documents 02 % of estimated amount as per bidding documents 02 % or estimated amountaspet bidding documents 02 % amount as per documents at 10.30 am Note, Inferesied bidder may get the bidding docum"ts e address mentioned below by submitting written application and a copy OT NIC along with payment ornon•tetundable leg of Rs. 1000.1. (One thousand only)- Bidding documents and specification shall be issued Single stage. Two envelope bidding procedureaöpet rule 38 (2,a) of PPRA Rules shall applied for this tender enquiry. The bid shall comprise a single packaÅe e•OLtuining two separate envelopes. Each envelope shall contain separately financial proposal and proposal. The envelope should be marked as "FINANCIAL PROPOSAL" and "ETECI*NICAL PROPOS+V' in bold and legible letter to avoid confuslon. 2. 4. 5, 6, 7 c Sealed bids arg required to be above mentioned date before I Superintendent, Purchase, Scrv by the authorized revegentutive of the interested bidder on before positively and drop in the tender box placed in the office of Addl: Medical ospitaI,Lahore The bid received till the stipulated date & time shall be opened e presence or the bidders or their authcözed representative, Late bids will not be on same day ut 10:30 A entertained The bidders are requireduto uhmit the company profile including Technical, Managerial capabilities, after sales services. puuæxperien•ce, performance along with their technical bid and other information- All taxes will be Miplicubleas per rules ofGovernment of the Punjab amended from time to tune. Origilbal CDR j Dahk Guarantee (earnest money 2% of' total each item of estimated cost) in favour of Medical SuperintendeniSiMS}Services Hospital, Lahore to be attached uitl) the financial bid and photocopy of the same to be attached with technical bid as demanded in bidding documents. ne participant firms are advised to quote only one offer which they deem carrying thc best value for money. Procuremeans shall be governed by the Punjab Procurement Rules 2014, CAmended up to date), The firm will subunit the bid with propet puge no, check list and table Ofcontents, All pages must be signed and, Incomplete offer will not be entertained, ewspaper Medical perintendent ug, from Ppra dated 29 August, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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