Services Hospital Lahore Tender Notice 3 for Procurement Of Local Purchase Of Medicines,Surgical Disposal Items,Linen Store Items,Purchase Of Cardiac Monitors,Purchase Of Infusion Pump,Lab Kits & Chemicals ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** TENDER NOTICE SIMS/Setvices Hospital, Lahore iivites sealed bids from the firms having established credentials in terms of technical, financial ard manageriml capabilities of following items as pet detail given below, Sr.# 2. 1, 6. Name of liens Depnrunent. Prequalification i Walk-ln Registrati011 of Vendor for" Purchase of Medicines Surgical Disposal on Day to Day nasisthrou prequalification Walk-Ira Registration Vendor for purchase of Medicines Sugical Disposal [terns on Petty Putchase Basis thrau PITB rtal. Frameuork contract of snore Items for the financial year 2024-23. Of Cardiac Mociit•aes S- Parameters with accessories, Services Ho ital, Lahore, Purchase Of infusion pump, Services Hospital, Lahore. Tender) PLtchase af Automalic Voltage S'üi[izer Skill SIMS Services Hospital, Framework Contrao or Lü Kits & Chemicals (Remaining Tender, Haspital„ 02 % Bid Security in Date of Tender Opening CDR Bank Guarantee 02 % ofestima•ted amount as pet bidding documents 02 % of estimated amount as per bidding documents 02 % of estiitiåted amount as per bidding 02 % olestirnated amount as biddlng 02 % of estimated amount as pet bidding documents 02 % ofestimated amount as per bidding documemts atc t as per 12.092024 Note, bidder may get the bidding doetmen at address mentioned below by submitting written ble feg Of RS.IOOOJ• (One thousand Bidding application and a of NIC along with payment of documents and specifieatiaa shall be issued adVCitise:mcnt. 2, 3. 4, 5, 6, 7, S, O Single st:age, Two envelope bidding 38 of PPRA Rules shall be applied for this tender enquiry. hid shall compnse a single two separate envelopes. Each envelope shall corrtain separately the financial proposal and teehniCY proposal. The envelope should marked as "FINANCIAL PROPOSAL" PROPOSÅI+" In hold and legible to avoid confusion Sealed biffs are required to be broughv.n+eoGn Wy the authorized representative of interested bidder on or before above tcentioned date befbre ÉOsiiivgly and drop in the tender box placed in the office of Add]: Medical 5i4tetira•tet1dent' purchase, Servi€es Bospital, Lahore, Tt•te bid recened till the stipulated date & time shall bg opened an the same day at 10:30 A pucsence of the bidders or their authorized representative, Late bids will not be entertained, bidders reqoi it the cornpany profile including Technical. Engineering, Managerial capabilities, sales perien•ce, along with technical bid and infOrtnaLiori. All taxes will be as per TOIes ofthe Punjab amended to time. Orisigtål CDR / Bink Guarantee (earnest money 2% of total each item ot estimated cost} in favour of Medical superintendent, StrviS/Services Hospital, Lahore to be attached with financial bid and ofthe same to be attached with hid as dentanded in bidding documents. The paricipant firms are advised to quote only one offer which they deem carrying best value for Procurear•ents shall be governed oy the Punjab Procuregnent Rules 2014. (Amended tgp to date}. The firm will swb«nitthe bid proper page no, cheek lis: ard All pages must be signed and Incomplete Offer will be etitettmned. Newspaper ( 29 Aug, Medical perintendent 2024) from Ppra dated 29 August, 2024
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