Punjab Police Department Sahiwal Tender Notice for Procurement Of Hot & Cool,Stationery Items,Printing & Publication,Cost Of Store,Computer Stationery,Over charges,Plant & Machinery,Purchase Of Machinery,Transport ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** TENPER NOTICE W08t< CONTRACT) Single Stage one Envelop sealed render (Framework contract) is hctcby invited by the undersigned at e-procurcment system Ibrough (in soil) ror purchase rcpait of following miscellaneous items / unicles under vurious heads DPO Office, Sahiwal for the financial year 2024•2S. The detailed specifications & quuntity are available in bidding documents uploaded at EPADS Lot 3, 4. 6. 8. rk for 1 & Coad, Spurts fund, & Tarpal, Raad Safety. Fait & Exhibition Frame wutk Contract for C.c.05iute,r Slaticnary •won; Contracl for Repair Of transpørt, Purchase ofTyres Fil work for or Fumtturc, & Bed & Bowes , Store Frame u•oa; of Fran'* mzc•hinc & & Advertisi Fra.tnc Of C,uhcieanl Cluing 12.092024 12.091024 12.01>2024 12.09.2024 E"' mated Miltioa B.s Million Million 12 Million Million Million 760300 3920m Estimated Cost of Purchase j Services Goods in Millions = Ot) Estimated Cost of Repair of ouildings in Millions — 12-00 IM) TERMS & CONDITIONS- Bid shall comprise a single sealed package containing alangwiih proof of online submitting'uploading the same at e-procwement system i. EPAPS Financial proposal (Rate ofall items inclixling all taxes/ letter pad} Des eri Sr. W unit The should be bold as the same at EPADS; Financial Proposal ret-nain (in scaled , the s Total unit r]etRs, enera' Sales PROPOSAL" ofupdoading Of the OP2;ned the 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. presence or bidders. 'Ihe ficanciallyqualifxd lowest bid be time of opening the otherwise shall be Tbe bidders have samples bi&lers shall submit bid security@'@% of lhe total estimated cost in the ofCDR 1' Pay Orders' Bank Ihft of any Scheduled Ban": in ravoarof due District Police Officer, Sahiwal, Jn case of non-acccptU1ce of lhe earnest will benfux:led after fimlization ot the tender. In case of of tenders, åetidders shall deposit a Seqtrüy @ 5% ofthg total value oftl* contract in lhe af in the name of the District Police Officer, Sahiwal ard draw the contract agreement security be refiÄd.ed on successful completion to the contract. as PPR,A Rule 56, reserves"hg.riglg to accept ce reject all tenders without assigning any reason as PPR•Rule 35. All the rates which in tender are the financial year 202025 on thc basis of Framework Contract Any of the total bids can only rejected on me basis devaluation criteria; Tltepnrutingagencymayrejecta]lbidsofproposalsatanytime pnortoacccptanceofa bid or pr%'osal. 2) prc•aring agency shall upon request communicate to any bidder, tlr ground its rejection Ofall bids or propmals slzl] not be required to justify those grounds as PPRA Rule 9. r before TeMers will dayar DPOOIIice. Sahiwal | 1:01) be 'Iiefirmregistered with incane Sale Tax & PRA Oepætments panicipate tendering vocess. All these purchases will be on frame work contraa: basis; however. estimated and total cast may vary and the O depart:nent will Infonn you in this regud Newspaper ( 29 Aug, (FAISAL SHAHZAD) PSP District Pdice Officer, 2024) from Ppra dated 29 August, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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