Public Health Engineering Division Orakzai Tender Notice for Procurement Of Repair and Maintenance Of Electrical,Mechanical Works,Solar Works,Solar System,Solar Works,Installation Of Solar System,Solar Panel Hybrid Solar System,Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NOTICE INVITING E-BIDING (Single Stage Single Envelope Procedure E-Biding System) PHE Division Orakzai, Government Of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa invites Electronit Bids from the eligible Firms/Contractors Enlisted with Govt: of KPK and PEC having valid renewal for Financial Year 2023-24 in accordance with KPPRA rules 2014 on Single Stage Single Envelope procedure for the following work* 2% E/Moncy Date of bids A 1 2 1 2 Name of work REPAIR & MAINTENANCEOE$LECTRlC)u IMECHANICAL AND SOLAR WORKS FOR 2024-25 i PHE Sub Division Ghiljo ii)PHE Sub Division Kala a REPAIR & MAINTENANCE OF CIVIL WORKS FOB i)PHE sub Division Ghil o ii)PHE Sub Division Kala a Estimated cost 30,OOeOCO/. + Stamp Dut 66300/- 138800/- 86300/- 178800/- opening 19/09/2024 ERMS& CONOIDAT!ONSZ, can be downloaded from PHED web site I. BOQ/Bidding documents instruction to bi by the PHED Gove Khyber Pakhtunkhwa before the submission timc„ 2. All bidders must have registration "it yber Pakhtunkhwa Revenue Authority 3. 4. 5. 6, 7. 8. 9. PEC with active status and having.ides i.e CE-09 for Civil Work and EE-04r EE-OS* EE-II and ME-07 for repair of Ele i and Solar work. otherwise his bid will be considered non responsive. Any contractor from the itiing District or local could participate in the tendering echanical workshop and registration with Electrical process having Electr Inspectorate. The contractors quptiGöh ir bids upto a limit of 10% below than Engineer Estimate shall 2% only of Engineer Estimate for additional bid security KPPRA submit bid secur Notification No.S80 dated 10/05/2022 shall be reckoned. Bidding documents/BOQ must reach to the office of XEN PHE Division Orakzai through registered coUiiér upto 12.00 P.M which will be opened on the same date at 02.00 P.M. All the bidderS are required to deposit the bidding entry fee @ 0.03% of the Tender Cost of each part(cipating bidder online with Earnest Money which will be non refundable. The coggpetent authority reserves the right to reject any or all the bids by assigning cogent reasons. All Other terms & conditions will be applicable as per KPPRA rules notified time to time. All Govt: taxes will be applied as per Gove policy notifie 10. Any further information terms and condition etc re rding bidding be obtained fJ"'om the office of undersigned on any working day. E ENGI EER ION KZAJ O Newspaper (29 Aug, 2024) from Ppra dated 29 August, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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