Public Health Engineering Division Malakand Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing,Water Supply Schemes ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEERING DIVISION MALAKAND AT BATKHELA. Tele/Fax g E/ Mail A) NOTICE INVITING E/TENDERING/BIDDING. (SINGLE STAGES'N&euroLV ENVELOPE PROCEDURVE/BIDOING SYSTEM). Malakand &bullt Batliu&bulll. oovernment Khyber Pakhtunkhwa i VitaVCenttactors spec.alitation code CE-09 in accordance *PPR'S Single Stage Single Envelope procedure for the foliowi08 works Name Ot work- Estimated Cost Earnest money (Rs. in Million), watt" Stamp duty fRs]. REPAIR & MAINTENANCE OF (CIVIL WORK) IN EXISTING WATER SUPPLY SCHEMES IN PHE DIVISION MALAKAND AT BATKHELA FOR THE YEAR 2024-25. Repair Maintenance of {Civil Work} in Existing water Supply Schemes in PHE Sub Division Dargai, Tehsil Dargai the year 202425. TERMS AND CONDITIONS. documents including instructions to Bidders can be Department website www.ohedko.æv.ok. According to KPPgA Rules the Contractors must be status. 3.00 nloaded from Public Health with KP Revenue Authority with at II .00 AM (through courier), wh.ctt be Last date & Time of submission of the bid iS 24 opened an the same day at 11.30 A.M in representative whe opt to be present, ce of Government Contractors or the/' authoriyed 41 deposited as per EPPRA Notification No. S.RX) Note the secutity and additional security 124/2021-22/6058.71 dated 10-05 or Electrical & Mechanical works, the following documents are tee Electrical &bullnspector certificate Active}. procurement committee. cocal workshop verified Certeficate of Stand P m g Machinery and diff KVA Transformer iS essential to provided by bidder each teh age Installation, 07 General Mechanical works only. ME, code EE. 04 L and 11 Solar illed man power is required toy Other terms & an ition are available on PHEO website or same can be obtained from Of the unders the office hOUTS. B) NOTICE INVITING TECHNICAL & FINANCIAL PROPOSALS. CE-BIDDING TENDERL Public Health Engineering Division Malakand intends to invite Technical linancia' proposals from the PHE Department Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pre-qualified firms on single stage two envelopes system based for supply, installation. testing and commissioning of the solar based Pumping Mach,neries to be installed in the Water Supply Scheme under ADP No.1077/210S5J Project. solar Based Water Supply Scheme under ADP NO.1077/210S53 No. of Schemes. 01 c ews paper ug, from Ppra dated 29 August, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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