Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department Multan Tender Notice for Procurement Of Testing Samples From Accredited Source ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR DRUGS TESTING LABORATORY PUNJAB, MULTAN PRIMARY & SECONDARY HEALTHARE GOVERNMENT OF THE PUNJAB Director, Drugs Testing Laboratory Punjab, Multan PSHD, Government of Punjab invite bids on from Concerned Registered Vendors E.PAOS {https/leprocure-EOUPk) (Supplier/firm/Companv/Distr[butorJ having established credentials in terms of Technical, Financial & Managerial Capabilities on *DDP basis as per Specification details given in the Standard Bidding Document. Details FRAME WORK CONTRACT FOR PROFICIENCY TESTING SAMPLES FROM ACCREDITEO SOURCE DTW-FY Estimated Cost af Tender 2,000.0001. (20 Tender Closing Bid Security d the Estimated cost g Time 19-Sep.202å Tender Opening Oate G Time 19-Sep-2024 121S pm ere-Bid Ueeting Oate 10-Sep.202å 03:30 pm k collected from the office of 2. Bidding document can be downloaded The Director, orugs Testing Laboratory Multan$ Neat dne'/ centre Muzaffargarh Road n'oaded from PPHA website Multan Free of cost. The bidding document can a 3, The original financial instrument i.e; 2% bid sec ty f the estimated amount in form of COR/Bank guarantee. in the name of The Oiregfor gs Testing Laboratory Punjab, Multan ts detailstobe provided on E.PADS before shall be furnished both physically in the off' the closing date & tirne of the tender Bidding Shall be conducted through competitive, Single Stage-Two Envelope bidding procedure, Item-wise, as per Rule 38 a of Punjab procurement Rules PPRA 2014 (amended to date) and PuniabProcurement Aegulatjons2024. 5. The Interested bidders are reqüiihd to submit their bid (Technical aid along with documents necessary for qualification 'Fjnabcial Bid} on E-PAOS on or before the Closing time & date as stipulated by the 6, The bidsuploadedti115iipUlateddateand time on E-PADS shall be opened on the same closing date on time & pulated by the procuring agency, in the presence of bidders or their representative, yho:ppt to be present. {attendance shall be marked on E-PADS). 7, A Pre-Bid meetingsyill be held in the office of the Director, Drugs Testing Laboratory Multan, Near Kidney center.1Muzaffargarh Road Multan to address anv query of bidders (subject to questions/querjes received in writing). 8. All othevterms & conditions are mentioned in the bidding document, and shall be part of the contract, The procurement process Shall be governed under the Punjab procurement Regulations 2024 and Punjab Procurement Rules PPRA 20141amended to date). DIRECTOR ORUGS TESTING LABORATORY MULTAN Ph # 061-9330355-6 •DO": Delivery outy Paid O Newspaper ( 29 Aug, 2024) from Ppra dated 29 August, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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