Pakistan Kidney And Liver Institute & Research Center Lahore Tender Notice for Procurement Of Office Stationery For Pkli Rawalpindi ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** INVITATION TO BIDS / TENDER REFERENCE: PRO-7'.2024 PROCUREMENT OF OFFICE STATIONERY FOR PKLI&RC RAWALPINDI 1. Pakistan Kidney and Liver Institute and Research Center, Rawalpindi, invites eleeranic bids through the E-Pak Acquisition and Disposal System (E-PadsJ from sole proprietors, firms, companies, manufacturers, and suppliers registered with the Sales Tax Department for the suppdy of "Office Stationery" for the Financial Year 2024- 2025 on free delivery to Consignee's end basis i.e. PKLI&RC Rawalpindi Detailed technical specifications abang with quantities office s,taticnery and place of dedivery are given in the Bidding Documents. The bidder must bid for entire/total quantity. Bid for partial quantitywül straightway be rejected. 2. Intetested eligibde bidders maygetthe Bidding Documents free afcost from PKLI website with detailed specifications. A tender notice is also available far information and can be downloaded from the websites of wwwppra.punjab and https&bulll/ 3. Single Stage Two Envelope biddi% procedure shall be appFied. Bids must be submitted electrcnicallik rough the E-Pak Acquisilian and Disposal System (E-Pads). o hardcopy submissions will be entertained You have to upload your bid by or before September 12, 20249 11:00 A.M. The bids at 11:30 A.M through E-Pad in the presence ofthe biddets. 4. A" bids must be accompanied by a bid security @ 2% against composite rate basis (conscdidated bid secufty of all items in a Lot. Draft or Pay the Pakistan Kidney and Liver Insütute and Research CenteijThis bid secuåty must be updoaded as required by the &Pad portal. Offets wihout this bid secufty shall be rejected. Additionally théffiainalbid security must be re the closing date and time. submitted to the address below an The detail ofbts is given below. Lot No, Item Name Bid Security 2% Lot 0' Procurementaf PaperReÆ"' Rs.73,g28i&bull of estimatedcoso Lot02 Procurementof Ring Binders Rs.10.557j&bull of estimatedcosti Lot03 Prourementof Gene@ftationary Rs. 11,201b ofestimatedcost3 5. PKLlwfl not beres Iblefc%nycoslorexpense incurred bybiddeß in relation to Lhe preparation or electronic submission bids. A pre-bid meeting will beheE an September 03.2024 in the conference room of 6. In the ofopening isdedared the govemmeni,or a non-workina day for any reason the 'Cial worklngday be consideredas the new date ftrnufoading an E-pads submission, and opening of tenders. The time venue will remain unchanged. 7. Note: All assessments and procurement procedures, including uploading an E-Pads, downloadtng/teceiving, opening. evaluatina. and awarding, shall be governed by the Punjab Procurement Rules-2014. In case of any conflict beueen the bidding documents and the PPRA Rules 2014. the rules shall prevail PKLI Mail Section Pakistan Kidney and Liver Institute and Research Center One PKLI Avenue. DHA Phase 6, Lahore, Pakistan. O Newspaper ( 29 Aug, 2024) from Ppra dated 29 August, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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