Infrastructure Development Authority Lahore Tender Notice for Procurement Of Repair and Maintenance Of Cssd Equipment,Reconstruction Of Lady Willingdon Hospital,Construction,Civil Works ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE PUNJAB (IDAP) PRE-QUALIFICATION (PQ) NOTICE PROCUREMENT FOR SUPPLY, INSTALLATION, COMMISSIONING & MAINTENANCE OF CSSD EQUIPMENT (PACKAGE NO. 1) FOR RECONSTRUCTION OF LADY WILLINGDON HOSPITAL, LAHORE 1 _ The 'infrastructure Development Authority Punjab' IOAP (Employerl has been established as an Autonomous body under 'he Infrastructure Devebapment Authority of Punjab Act. 2016 by the Government of Punjab for planning. designing. construction ond maintenance of Infrastructure in line with best international practices to cope with future development needs, 2. Oet01É of the procurement are os follows: Applicable Rules PPRA Rules 2014 (amended upto datel ated cost (PKR) Approximately 1 CO Million nt be out through FAOS of Punjab 3. Please note that the subject procu only. All Witerested applicants are required to procurement Regulatory Authority registeT on EPADS be engible participalion. PQ Document containing detailed requirements. terms ond cond' n is avaiable tar the registe«ed bidders on EPADS at Punjab Procuremen' Regulatory Authotifv (PPR/'O Websiie 4. The PO document re area in accorøcnce with the instructions in the PG document. musf be submit:ed ry DS on or before 13th Sepiember 2024, no later than 04:00 PM. Pre- a ill be opened on the same day on ELPAOS at 04:30 PM. Manual avalificafion Pr submission of is shall not be accer;yed. 5. In case. last date for submission of the PQ application is declared a public holiday 'hen e next working doy will be considered for PQ applicatidn submission ogening GENERAL MANAGER (PROCUREMENT 8 CONTRACTS) INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE PUNJAB (iOAP) 50 6-3, Gulberg-lll. Lohore Pakistan. Ph: •92 10) 42 99332632-42 beglthcgce@idgp-pk I O Newspaper ( 29 Aug, 2024) from Ppra dated 29 August, 2024
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