Local Government & Rural Development Department Kurram Tender Notice for Repair And Maintenances Of Transformers,Repair, and Maintenances Of Transformers, ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT DIRECTOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DISTRICT KURRAM NE-NOTICE INVITING E-BIDDING Sexed tenders oasen on MRS•2022 (2nt av•Anmual) f Noa MRS•terns tor Ine nelouv rnenttcnec works are invited lhe basis of SINGLE STAGE SINGLE ENVELOPOROCEOURE the qwernment cgnträtt01S registered with PESCOJIESCC.'WAPOA. PEC and enbsted with Oepa.rtmemt as per Centraltzeø Enlistment Policy lhe Khyber Pakhtun'"wa for cu Out Repair and AS Aateed lhe Ptovinei.äl Caüet Wc" Name Repair and M*'0teoance of Constituency trutsrorn•tets at Constituetwy of iÉiiiÅsnuoe N coat 10.00 10,00 Bid @2% L."t "left' me ot tender Forms Oate time Tender (l).re'tder cars OC filled at'd d!jå'tiloated the v.tbSite O' LGE&ROO anet øvblifhing NIT. (2b The secun•je.s Shall iti Shave Of in Cd the LG&ROO OiSt1iC1 Kvrrarn. Ontv PESCO regstered contract0&'Firms are eliOittelö apgw. W). hive; @.Pakistan (PECL codSEEC4 & EEOS (bj. Inspectorate 01 Electnety, Elierw & PO'Ner Kltytjer Pakhtunkhwa License in Category 't C" •e. (Sb The contractors their bidS up a lit"" Of beltw Engineer Estimate Shill submit bid [email protected] of Estimate, (61, cwtractors theu bids than up relow on Engineers' Estimate shZll svamit with tngifOics AWIional cd Enqinees Estimatenccst in artdit•on to bid security. the bit is not accw•noarijaa with Ine requited amountcd aatllional secunty. tnen it constoereoas acn-respansjve ant toe secunty small fogie'ted favor Government ana toe secant! lowesl so val! oe constterea SilDilarl}. a cocrracrar. mare Witt) bid aortiticaal secuntv on tnaineer's tstirnatea cost equal to rne DiCl Engiftee•s- Estimate alar.g: analysis cap than if tne iS not by the detailed rate analysis j or sec&ititv. then sa•a coosideretas acn-resøcosjve. secutitjessuomittec non-resocaswe bid snail be it tavor 01 a accord•nw. 181. In case retailed rate analysis not the Heat Of the Procuring hd bidder ant sc be With dec:tare such bid as non-te:suor.Give without any 'OtlCiture bid sect'itiß and record reaso€#eor. BJ. The DIOCutitp; entity may lhe tone€l bidder alter diligence eomext0f'inartCialdMferenceb•etweensuChtWDbidsor may advertise orceurement . (10). Printed Electronic or•girtal & coptesJ rnay be delivered Ihr r service. (11). The call depgscs bit secu.nty the work/comract nulSt be pt4arerf'ttå oublishinq NIT. 112). The time completion scheme shall be asperwcüclder Ws representälivecan be presentatt•rr.e opening electronic bidsogem•ng. 4131. In case Ibe responsive bidders, the OiC maybedecided1hf0iJVit1 freetasswhn;hshallbecoqÄdérecasfinaLlU)- AIU 'Nho provites false. Of materially inaccurate ete do not send information in hart *c.rm will be disqualified as per Act Section react wth OPRA Rule Fu,'themore, the Procuring Entity'/fxecwtir.a Aoenc•j will recom and take light l' mechanism as per APPRA Act sect'an feat with KPPRA Rule 444b. (IS). approvec pr Will ret-naifl valid go days the bids. 1161. wra•owartls ro participate in tencteritva orc•t.ess may mraacn Oirectorate Gencral ROD pesrta•oar Within two days belote CIOSing tune 01 electron•c apoly ICt uølv»di'tg r•a.ntes Ct' Ite i.e. ( bidürsare reauited to '0iStaed with Pikltturikttwa under Khyber Finance Att 2013. (18}. The PEC and (At;ti've Tax payer) must bt va;bd for twunt Fiaar.c:él year artd attathtd with the Eleerot'it 8idS. (19). Tlte successful biddentorrractor Shall bC 10 DTOduce satJS%Ctory certificate cd the work' fine eoncerned MPA ar•d recti"ical committee eomstituted the purpose before subfi'iGSjonC'bill:crpayrnent. (OJ. Ait/' adddiöfi made the & conditions ili NIT advertised & Rules. Assistant Engineer (Senior) LG&RDD Kurram Assistant Director (Senior) LG&RDD Kurram O Newspaper ( 29 Aug, 2024) from Mashriq dated 29 August, 2024
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