Local Government & Rural Development Department Kurram Tender Notice for Procurement Of Repair & Maintenance Of Transformers Constituenct Of Pk-95 ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT DIRECTOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DISTRICT KURRAM RE-NOTICE INVITING E-BIDDING DiSOC on MRS•2022 {2M f MHS"tens Ine are on the bass SINGLE STAGE SINGLE EMVUOPE980CEOURE contractots PEC and Deøat'trr.ant as per Centfäliæn Enlistment Policy 01 lhe of Pakhtur•nwafarcutre.nt finarcial ras fallowi schedu&; Out •Repair and Maintenance AS Agreed BY The Ptøv'ineial Cabinet 'Ot-ne Tt'argfortttets A—gait and Of at Comtjt'R•ncv of 10Æ0 Security zoo cast däteftime Suemssion Of render Oate & Téndet ( ll„Teneer form can be fiued online and dowrtläite•d from ttte Offitia.l •aebSite Ot LGE&ROO Mtet NJT (21, The securiljes Shall be in snage or Ijegosil in or the Assistant Director LG&RDO District Kurram. Onty PESCO registerec are eli#letoappty, The eligineccntractors;' nave; jet. Panstan Cc;njncil PECL EE05, lb). Inspectorate Of ElectriCit1, Energy & Power cepartment Khyber Pakhtunkhwa License in torvtractors qtnting ttiCit bidS uO to a Ijma Ot bClOw EOOinear ES'lin•tat0 Shill bid setugitya onlyot engineer E-gtivnate. their titan uø to bC10W on Engineers' EGtirnate SW sutnvt wth thCir bid' Add•djonat securny Of Engineer'S ESIiroate•d COSI it actd<iD0 10 bid security. bid iS arncurg of man it will be todeited iN faw ot Government and lhe second lowest bidder, and co will be consderet acco«iiß01Y. Similarly. a contrac,lor. quotino more submit with his an addilional security on Engineers Estimated cost equal to lhe "iffoential amount at suimitled bid and Engineers' Estimate along wat' detailed rate anat'JEis. In ormorethan below bids. itthc bid is not b'/ tetailOd ratcartalYSiS or Of additional said bid sttall teconsidcret sqCb.tittes sutrnittea awtcwitrt nom-resøonsn•e bid Shall oe torteec in or Government l'*test and so consoret acccldiß.ßl'i, case fitearzwsjs Witntne bits is. in 01 lhe Procuring Entity, not carvinc•n9, the Hea- cttne Pocunng may such bid as ran-resporsiu•e Witnout any torreilure bid securities and record reasonstneteof. procuri19 entity may otter the contract 10 next tidCjar attar d'dige:nce ih CO'MdXt or difference between sucti twotidS or ntayadvet'tiGC ørccutcrrtetlt (10). printed Electrone bid (both O,'iginal & Ouplitate COPiCS) delivered thiOÄ"FOi.rier scrwce. (Ill. The ZII deposits iA bid security for '*Oik'tontract must bC vrep•age;] aggr publiShing Od NIT. (12). The tone for scte,'no SIO•• treas ar can ørosont illirmecl electronic bids (13}, caseattetdra•o armnost responsive bidffers. tne bidmavtteoecjaec Ireensstn•mcnsnalltje Any wmo provides false. mate-nit"' ima;ccurarev. (ionot send in Iud form will be disquaMiedasper IKPPRA Act Section 29 read with KPPRA Rule the Procurin4 Agent'/flill andsentcases for and will iraiate/ take Elion in of anort'öd ørotedurå/ mecha.nsrn as oer KPPRA SCCtiOfi 2912) KPPRA Rute S}. Bidg retr.äin vahd tor go dä'ß Iron the OOSing date Of bids. who wants to participate in tendering process may apposath Directorate Gerwal LG&ROO Peshawar withi'i twe days CIOSing limo at 01ØCtt00iC their namas on tlte ','ÅübSite i.e. Cwww;l', All bitters required Khyber act The FEC registration IActwe lax nevalid Financial year and attached With me Electron•c Bids. The successful bidder/cuatractorshall be responsible to produce satis*actary certificate af the work- dane Irorn concerned XOA and Technical committee ccg'stiluted Ict the purpcæ bedc•re Any a.ddtiC0 made iO trte terms & CJN'diliOßS ill advertiSCd Assistant Engineer (Senior) LG&RDD Kurram INF 22' 6/24 Assistant Director (Senior) LC&RDD Kurram O Newspaper ( 29 Aug, 2024) from Naibaat dated 29 August, 2024
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