District Auction Committee Kohat Auction Notice for Auction Of Minor Minerals Lease,Mines,Minerals ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NOTICE FOR AUCTION OF MINOR MINERALS LEASE OF DISTRICT KOHAT The District Auction Committee Of OiSttiCt Kohat invites .:njplications from registered contractors of Minor Minerals fir participation in auction and grant or Minor Mineral lease of tile whole District Kohat as one unit provision of section 78 subsection 13) of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Mines & Mineral Act 2017 (Arnended) formirting for a period of oneyearon the basis Of iswhere is" against reserve price Of RS and Gill deposit Of RS. ih the Office Of DeputyCommissioner TERMS CONP'T'ONS Only those persons or firms registered with Directorate General Mines & 1. Minerals Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Minor Mineral'S Contractors can participate in auction. Interested øarties can register themselves in the Directorate General Mines & Minerals Pakhtunkhwa, The registered parties/individuals shall submit application form at the cost ofRs. 10000/-ffenthousandJ non-refundable on anv workingday at least three (03) days before the auction. BlöCkliSted/ oefaulter persons or those persons who are not registered with Directorate General Mines and Minerals are not allowed to participate in the auction. The interested parties can visit and check the advertised areas before auction, The sketches of the areas are available for the interested parties in the office of the undersigned can deposit shall be under account NO. NO. tw6-2008140092 and application fee branch Of of Khyber, 6. The registered applicants/parties shall also subrnit attested copies of CNIC, income tax registration certificate (NTN) and gxartnership deed/article & memorandum Of association along with evidence Of paid-up capital lit applicant iS partnership firm} eompanv). The successful bidder shall deposit lß%th of the total bid as security within three davs fron•h the date of auction, 0th call deposit shall be forfeited in favor ot the Government and the bidof o highest bidder shall be consideredash@hest bid, subject to condition th ifterence between the first and theseeond highest bidsiG not more than 10 of the highest bid. 8. The successful bidder shall dema e s leased areawithin fifteen days from the issuance of Allotment Letter on 9. The successful bidder s Commissionerate of Mines or its a governrnent notified rates. expenses. e bound to pay Excise duty to excise duly collection contractor on The successful bidder tare issuance of allotment letter shall be bound 10. to deposit withholding Rule-236-A of with Income Tax Departrnent and Profess' per rules to the Excise & taxation Oeptt; Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The s 11, undet Khyber pakhtå(t will be bound to pav surfåce rent tothe land owner Mines Minerals aet 2017 (amended). The bidder shall be responsi ble to work in leased area strictly 12. in accordanceyÅh the provisions of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Mines and Mineral Act 2017 (émendeÅJ, The successful bidder shall be bound to use only veTified challans for 13- transportation of minor minerals duly verified by the concerned Assistant Director. Transportation Without a verified transit Challan shall be considered as un- authorized transportation and action under section-56 of the ibid Act shall be initiated againstthe lesseeas well as other offenders, The competent authority reserves the right to accept or reject ary bid with cogent reason. Other information in this regard can be obtained from the office of the 15. undersigned duringoff•eetime AM t005tCN) PM on any workingdav, IF(PP237ä4É ASSISTANT DIRECTOR MINERAL DEVELOPMENT KOHAT O Newspaper ( 29 Aug, 2024) from Naibaat dated 29 August, 2024
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