Auqaf & Religious Affairs Department Lahore Tender Notice for Rehabilitation Of Basement Ground,Rehabilitation Of Exterior,Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing,Construction Of Musjid, ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NOTICE INVITING E.TENDER In accordance wifr (PPRA) (up tt date A.mendmentsJ Seded fu he bem the contratrs I reweted in P:kktm fre in Tax Degerms 2. 3. Scheme RehaNliWicn of BasertMt, Grccd, Second tørs ot ROUBI Rehabilit*icn "to Fixø GROUP Rehabllbtion ot Exterior, '"der raks t, Oit Ers up grad,ün Renvatjon Upgadati." Attu knii Rehabilit*ion i EstimdedCøt 12.U0dh$ Rs.3T.58 estimied d the estimated cog eshited cfth E. Mcrhs estimded t. we ene Two Envelops Pr"dured read ef tecFra IS:øng regor$,e i" 'est Cost Section (lCBSl techniqae 014 Repstg, h' FRA 2 Ptgosaw Tedes be by a o' shaecf n zed Dreem subntwæd as IDCW&bull Thtusanq tt eath,t tede. h *Ceth Ikcc«t lh201S90t f40üSl Bark Win, 3rarcFK L*øe. PPM E.Ptocuremet E&bullPÅDS b sutra tf*i us f gaps* E&bullPADS rd bils gopos± te at cf t' z tee On Wart 01:00 25+2024. sæ the ptee:rced t Rules 20141uto (IPL-8134) c ews paper 3rd AW+AI.« Yih latfi ug, from Naibaat dated 29 August, 2024
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