Tarbela Power Station Tarbela Tender Notice for Procurement Of Dissolved Gas Analizer,Grid Solution Or Equivalent For Power Station Units,Accessories For Chillers Of Power Station ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** WAPDA BID NOTICE TARBELA POWER STATION INVITATION FOR BIDS OP/lTR-803 Bid Reference No. OPIlTR-804 1. Chief Engineer (Power) Wapda, Tarbela invites sealed bids from the original manufacturers/authorized distributors/suppliers/contractors registered with Income Tax and Sales Tax Department and are on Active Taxpayers List (ATL) of FBR, for procurement of the following for Tarbela Power Station. Time period for performance of the Contract is 120-days. OPIlTR-803 Dissolved Gas Analyzer (DCA) set (Make: GE Grid Solutions or equivalent) for Power Transformers Units 1-14. OPIlTR-804 Centrifugal Pumps couples with motor alongwith accessories for Chillers of Power Station, Units 11-14 2. Bidding documents which are containing detailed terms & conditions, method of procurement, procedure for submission of bids, bid security, bid validity, opening of bid, evaluation criteria, clarification/rejection of bids, performance guarantee etc. are available for the interested bidders at Chief Engineer (Power), Wapda Power Station Tarbela, Post Code : 23470, District Swabi, Khyber Pakhtunkhawa, Pakistan, Phone # 0938-281180-82, Fax # 0938-281186, email [email protected] (Contact # ITRE 0938-281129). Price of bidding documents is PKR 2,000/- each (non-refundable) in shape of pay-order/bank draft in favour of Chief Engineer (Power) Wapda Tarbela Dam, payable on MIS Habib Bank Limited, G.I.K.I Branch, Topi-1979 (NC No. 19790006519303). 3. The bids, prepared in accordance with the instructions in the bidding documents alongwith bid security against each bid, must reach as per following details. Bid will be opened on the same day: Closing Pla e or Receiving Bids Date, Time Tender Bid No. Security OPI PKR ITR-803 PKR ITR-804 300,000/ NOTE: Last Date of Obtaining Bidding Date and Tme fo By Hand on and location of By Post/ public opening Submi S n the closing Courier of bids Documents of id day 03-10-2024 at Wapda Chief 02-10-80 4 Officer's Club, Engineer 1130 Hrs. (During Wapda upto 1100 River View (Power) Offiqe Hrs. Colony, urs) Tarbela Officer's Club, Wapda, River View Tarbela Colony, Tarbela 1. Bid notices may be downloaded from WAPDA and PPRAs websites. 2. The Procuring Agency reserve the rights to accept/reject the bids under the provisions of PPRA Rules. CHIEF ENGINEER (POWER), WAPDA POWER STATION, TARBELA, PHONE # 0938 281180-82 - FAX # 0938 281186 EMAIL : [email protected] This notice is also available at PPRA Website: PID(L)572 Website: c eWS paper Donate for Diamer Basha & Mohmand Dams ug, from Express dated 29 August, 2024
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