Metropolitan Corporation Quetta Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing,Sewerage Work,Road Divider,Construction Of Sewerage Line,Installation Of Traffic Sign,Glass Work,Construction Of Drain Line ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NOTICE INVITING TENDER The Administrator Metropolitan Corporation Quetta invites sealed tender based on the composite schedule of rates 2023 Government of Baluchistan, amended up-to-date and Market rate, from interested contractors/firms for the works listed below: S No Name Of Schemes I. Improvement of Road at Meezan Chock Quetta. TSE- 242508531523 2. Improvementof Road at Satellite Town Chowrangi Quetta. TSE-242508531503 3. Construction of Road Dividers at Halli Road SariabRoad & Meezan Chowk Quetta. TSE-242508531493 4. Constration of Sewerage Line at Backside of Mutton Market Meezan Chowk Quetta.TSE.242508531453 5. Improvementof Road Suraj Gunj Bazar Quetta -TSE-242508531423 6. Road Patch Works at Hockey Chowki Imdad Chowki Magasi Chowki Sariab Railway Phatak nearAkram Hospital and near Hatim Stationary Quetta. TSE-242508531353 7. Patch Work at Samangli Road Quetta.TSE-242508531333 8. Construction of Sewerage line at Sirki Road Quetta TSE-242508531203 9. Construction of Sewerage line at Khaorat abad Quetta TSE-242508531123 10. Construction of Sewerage line at Sama ngli Road Quetta. TSE-242508531093 II. Construction of Black Top Road at Killi Malk Mulla dad Inderabad Pashtoon Bagh Quetta-TSE.242508531043 12. Construction of Sewerage Line /Open Drain at Killi Malk Mulla dad Inderabad Pashtoon Bagh Quetta.TSE.242508531013 13. Desilting of Main Drain , Repair of Footpaths, Providing and Fixing of RCC Slabs at main Drain Inscomb Road Quetta. TSE-242508530953 Construction of Black Top Road and Sewerage Line at Saifullah Street Killi Shadi 14. Khan Qambrani Road Quetta, TSE.242508530933 15. Construction RCC Drain Road Quetta. TSE.242508530873 Installation Of Traffic Sign BoardsAnd Traffic Related Road Marking, Tyre Killer 16. At Diff Roads OfQuetta. City. TSE-242508530693 PIF of Grills, Glasses, Barbide wire, steel gate & water sprinkler system etc at Main 17. MCQ Office Quetta. TSE.242508530553 18. 19. Amount 08.000 M 18.000M 03.079 M 02.000 M 20.000 M 49.000 M 20.000 M 02.000 M 07.820M 01 *690 M 07.280M 07282M 01.000 M 09.140M 04.800M 38.600 M 18.750M ConstructionofDrain at Double Road near Railwa hattak Quetta TSE-242508530513 03.600 M S No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. g. 10. FRAMEWORK-BASED AGREEMENT TSE-242508530803 Name ofWork Construction /RepairofDustbin Construction 'Repair of RCC Slab Construction 'Repair of Footpath, road marking, Roadside coloring Construction 'Repair of Blacktop road Construction 'Repairof Road cross/ Sewerage/ rain Construction 'Repair of Tuff Tilling I PCC Cleaning of Drain/ Nalah Tyre Killer Minor Building repairs Traffic sign Boards Approximate Quantity 25 1000 Nos 25000 sft IOOOOOsft 1000 rft 25000 sft 45000 cft 250 rft 7 Building IOONos The procurement shall be out une he Baluchistan Public Procurement rulest 2014. amended BASIC ELIGIBILITY: Re$tration with tax authorities i.e. (NTN, BRA and Sales Tax Department), where applicable. Registration with PEC for the cu year in the relevant category, Registration with BPPRA as a contractor. Detailed terms and conditions are incorporated in the bidding document. METHOD OF PROCUREMENT: TERMS &CONDITIONS: BidsforSr o,ht018mustbe accompanied bya Bid SecurityofRs2%ofthe estimated amount in the form of a it at a Call from a scheduled Bank. Bid for S No 19 ( framework-based agreement must be mpanied by a Bid Security of Rs fixed amount in the form of a Deposit at a Call fro scheduled Bank. Qualified Contractor has to submit 10 % of the estimated amount as perform@ti security only in the form ofa Deposit at Call from a scheduled Bank (BPPRArule- 44). It will be releaseii within sixty days after completion of the contract subject to clearance of everything else. The Completion period will be 120 days. Further Terms and conditions and evaluation criteria are mentioned (incorporated) in detail in bidding documents. Submitting a bid means, the firm agrees with all mentioned terms & and conditions. BIDDING I TENDER DOCUMENTS: Issuance: Amounting to Rs-1500/= as Tender Fee separately for each Work must be deposited in AJC No. 4405-4 NBP Manan Chowk Branch (nonrefundable), Document will be issued from Office of Metropolitan Engineer Inscomb Road Quetta, from the date of advertisement on BPPRA web site till one day before Opening date or can be downloaded from the website of BPPRA ( ), documents by downloading them from BPPRA website will also be required to deposit above-mentioned fee. Submission; The last date of submission will be September 2024 at 10:00 Hrs. Opening: The tenderdocumentwill be opened on Iff September 2024 at 11:00 Hrs. Place: Submission, inquiries and openings will be the Office of the Chief Metropolitan Engineer: AB No.224/28-08-2024 ..O c ews paper ADMINISTRATOR METROPOLITAN CORPORATION QUETTA ug, from Express dated 29 August, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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