Emergency Services Department Lahore Tender Notice for Procurement Of Aqueous Film Forming Foam ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** GOVERNMENT OF THE PUNJAB EMERGENCY SERVICE DEPARTMENT TENDER NOTICE No.03/24-2S(Reg) The Emergency services Departrnent Invites sealed bids/ tenders from Manufacturers/ Authorized Distributors/ Importers/ Sole Agents of Principals/ Firms and companies registered with Tax Departments for the procurement of the following Item: No Description 1 Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF) 1) The bidding process shall be conducte Estimated Cost Bid security (Rs. in millions) SOOO 32.925 Liters 658,500 rough e-Punjab Acquisition and Disposal System (e-PADS) approved by the Punjab Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA). 2) The applicant companies must be&mdashregistered with e-PADS and shall submit its application for tender through 3) The interested companies shall use the "uploadlng PDF file method" through e-PADS for the submission of their e&mdashblds. 4) Interested companies can download the bidding documents by using e-PADS or from the website of PPRA (i.e. without payment of tender fee. ose to get the Bidding Documents from the Emergency In case, the companies Services Department, n be Obtained on the payment Of Rs. 1,000/&mdash (non- refundable and non-adjustable) from the below-given address on any working day immediately after publication Of thiS notice up to S) Applications along With required documents must be submitted through e-PADS by 17&mdash09&mdash2024 not &bulllater than 12:00 pm which shall be opened electronically on the same date at 12:30 prn jn the Conference Room at the below given address. 6) NO application shall be accepted after the due date and time. In case of a holiday, the procurem nt procedure shall be done on the next working day at the same place and time. 7) Rule of PPR-2014 "Single Stage Two Envelop Bidding Procedure" shall be applied. 8) Procurement shall be out as per Punjab Procurement Rules 2014 and Punjab Procurement Regulations 2024. IPL-8185 PROCUREMENT WING, EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Government of the Punjab, Rescue Headquarters, Thokar Niaz Baig, Lahore Tel: 042-35131883, E-mail: [email protected] URL. o Newspaper ( zy Aug, zuz4) from Express dated 29 August, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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