District Police Officer Sahiwal Tender Notice for Procurement Of Hot & Cool,Stationery Items,Printing & Publication,Cost Of Store,Computer Stationery,Over charges,Plant & Machinery,Purchase Of Machinery,Transport,Lubricants,Furniture,Computer Stationery,Repair Of Machinery and Furniture,Tent,tarpal,Sofa Set,Other Store Items ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** TENDER NOTICE (FRAME WORK CONTRACT) Single Stage onc Envelop sealed tender (Framework contract) is hercby invited by thc undersigned at e-procurcment systctn through E.PAI)S Acaul'l!lpn & msposal System) (in soft) for purchase / repair of following miscellaneous items / articles under various heads at DPO Office, Sahiwal for the financial year 2024-25. detailed specifications & quantity arc available in bidding documents uploaded at EPADS website. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Description Frume v.ork Contract for Purchase of other. I lot & Cold. fund. Tent & Tamale Cost of Other Store. Road Safety. Fair & Exhibition Frame "Otk Contruct for Stationary. Computer Stationary Frame work Contract for Repair of transport. Purchase of Tyres & Tubes .Batteti S P Fill Frame work Contract for Purchase of Furniture, plant & machinery, Bed & Boxes Ordinance Store. lardware, software, IT ui ment Frame work of Re ir of Buildin Frame work of re ir machine & furniture Frame work of Printin & Advertisin Frame work of Lubricant Closing Date 12.09.2C24 12.09.2024 12. 1 .09.2024 1209.2024 1 .092024 12.091024 12.09.20 4 Estimated Cost 15.5 Million 8.8 Million 19 Million 14.8 Million 12 Million 5 Million 2.4 Million 10 Mi lion Earnest 4% 620(m 3S2Ü 5920m 48m) Estimated Cost of Purchase / Services Goods in Millions 75.5 (M) Estimated Cost of Repair of Buildings in Millions 12.00 (M) TERMS & corqpnrorqs; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ne envelop alongwith a proof of online Bid shall comprise a single sealed package containin submitting/uploading the same at e-procurement systenv_.i.e EPAPS Acquisition & Disposal System): Financial proposal (Rate ofall items including all taxes charges Whatsever, as per following on the firm's letter head pad) Descri tion Sr. # General Sales Tax Total unit rice Rs. Unit rice Rs. The envelope should be marked in bold Ie as."FlNANCiAL PROPOSAL" alongwith proof of uploading the same at EPADS; Financial Proposal shall remain (in sealed ) in the ct.stcu of the undersigned and would in the presence of responsive bidders. The financiall qualified lowest bid would be accepted. ne bidders have to bring their samp of •terns at the time of opening the tenders otherwise offers shall ignored. 'I'he bidders shall submit bid security@04 % of the total estimated cost in the shape of CDR / Pay Orders/ Bank Draft of any Scheduled Bankin,favour of the District Police Officer, Sahiwal. In of non-acceptance of tenders, the earnest money will be refunded aner finalization of the tender. In case of acceptance of tenders;the bidders shall deposit a Performance Security @ 5% of the total vahE of the contract in the form of Call Deposit in the name of the District Police Officer, Sahiwal and draw the conuact agreement. Security shay be refunded on successful completion to the contract, as PPRA Rule 56. Ille Department reserves the right to accept or reject all tenders without assigning any reason as PPR-RuIe 35. All tlr rates which'Were quoted in tender are for die financial year 2024-25 on the basis of Frame'*Uk Concact. (from 30.062025). Any of the totatbids can only be rejected on basis ofevaltntion crit«ia; 1) fie procuring agency may reject all bids prior to acceptance ofa bid 2) The procuring agency shall request communicate to any bidder, the ground for of all bWs or proposals but shall not be required to justifr those grounds as PPRA Rule 35. All tenders must reach at the office of the undersigned, on pr berore Sentember. 2024 A.M. Tenders will be orxned on the same day at DPO Office. Sahiwal on 1 1 A.M. Ihe firm registered with income Tax. Sale Toc & PRA can only participate in tendering All these purctB< will be on frame work contract basis; estimated and total cost may vary the deparanent will inform you in this regard. (FAISAL SHAHZAD) PSP District Police Officer, Sahiwal u Newspaper ( us Aug, zuz4) IPL-8173 from Express dated 29 August, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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