Directorate General Local Government & Rural Development Bajaur Tender Notice for Installation Solar Lights,Solar System,Solar Works,Installation Of Solar System,Solar Panel,Installation Of Solar Lights,Solarization Of Existing Bore,Well ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NOTICE INVITING E-BIDDING Sealed tenders based on MRS-2022,l' Non MRS-items for the below mentioned works are hereby invited on the basis of Sinqle staqe sinqle envelope procedure from the government contractors registered with PEC and enlisted with C&W Department as per Centralized Enlistment Policy of the Government of Khyber Pakhtun khwa for cu Financial year as per following schedule: Details of Solar Works are: Work No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Work Name Installation Solar Lights in Khar Bazar (129 Units) Installation Solar Lights in Raghagan Bazar (66 Units) Installation Solar Lights in Nawagai Bazar (96 Units) Installation Solar Lights In Mamol & Barkhlozo Bazar (40 Units) Solarization of Existing Bore / Well with OHT at Zaray (Only Solarization) Solarization of Existing Bore f Well with OHT at Badan Qila (Only Solarizauon) Solanzatvon of Existing Bore Well With OHT at Kanseer (Only Solarization) Solarization of Existing Bore Well with OHT at Ghahi Asad (Only Solarization) Solarization of Existing Bore / Well with OHT atJamsheed Nawagai (Only Solarization) Solarization of Existing Bore I Well with OHT at Ber Kemal Loi Mamund (Only Solarization) Solarization of Existing Bore / Well with OHT atAIimano Kali Salarza (Only Solarization) Installation of Solar System on Existing Source at Jannat Shah Estimated Cost (M) 38.593 19.745 29262 12.418 0 685 0.672 0672 0.709 0.672 OG72 0.621 Bid Securiö.' (Rupees) 771860 394900 585240 248360 13697 13440 13440 13440 14181 13440 13440 12420 Last date/6me of submission of electronic tender form 18/09/2024 at 12:00am (Mid Night) do do Last date/6me of submission of electronic tender form (Hard Copy) 18/09/2024 at 12:00pm (Noon) mdo— Date/time of opening of Time of electronic compleüon bid 18/09/2024 at 12:30Pm (noon) Work Order mdo— Terms and Conditions; 1 2 3, 4 5. 6. T 8. 9. 10. 12. 13. ld 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Tender form can be filled online and downloaded from the official website of LGE&RDD (v"/ after publishing NIT. Thesecuritiesshall be inshapeofcall deposit in favoroftheAssistant Director LG&RDD aut. The eligible contractors/frrms must have Pakistan Engineering Council Relevant Codes. Thecontractorsquotingtheirbidsuptoalimitof10%belowEngineerEstirnaie The contractors quoting their bids more than below up to 20% b engineers' Estimate shall submt along with their bids 8% Additlonal Security of nan-responsive and the 2% bid security shall be forfeited in favor of #vermlent and the second lowest bidder and so on will be considered accordingly. Similarly, a contractor, quoting bid more than 20% below shall submityvith his bid an additional security on Engineer's Estimated cost equal to the diffial amount of submitted bid and Engineers' Estimate along with d9iajIeg rate analysis- In case of more than 20% below bids. if the bid is not accompanied by the detailed rate analysis and or required amount of additional .secårity;åhen said bid shall be considered as non-responsive. All the securities submitted along with such nan-responsive bid shall be foffeited in favor of Governmeåt and the lowest bidder and so on will be considered accordingly In case detailed rate analysis submitted with the bids the Procuring Entity, not convincing, the Head of the Procuring Entity may declare such bid as non-responsive without any forfeiture of bid securitiesand reasons thereof The procuring entity may offer the contract to n dder after due diligence in the context of financial difference between such two bids or may adVertise procurementopponunity afresh Printed Electronic bid (both Original & Duplicate comes) may be delivered through courier sewice. The call deposits i.e. bid security forthe work /eonttact must be prepared after publishing of N ITL The time forcompletion ofscheme shall be as per order, The contractor or his representative can be present at time ofopening of electronic blds opemng„ In case of tie Idraw amongst the responSiVebidders, the bid may be decided through free toss which shall be considered as final. Any electronic bidder who provid" fake, or materially inaccurate or incomplete or do not send information in hard form will be disqualified as per KPPRAAct Section 29 ( 1) read with KPPRA*Ruie {143). Furthermore, the Procuring Entity/Executing Agency will recommend and sent cases fordebamng/Blacklisung and will initiate I' take action in light of approved procedure I mechanism as per KPPRAAct section 29 (2) read with KPPRA Rule (44). Bids will remain valid for 9 Odaysfrom the closing date of bids. The firms/contractors whp wants to participate in tendering process may approach Directorate General LG&RDD Peshawar within two days before closing time of electronic apply for uploadinåtheir names on the official website i.e. All bidders are required to be registered with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Revenue Authority (KPRA) under the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa FinanceAct 2013. The PEC and KPRA registration (Active Tax Payer} must be valid for cu Financial Year and attached with the Electronic Bids, The successful bidder/contractor shall be responsible to produce satisfactory certificate of the work-done from concerned MPA and Technical committee constituted for the purpose before submission of bill for payment, Any addition made in the terms & conditions in NIT advertised shall be implemented as per KPPRAAct & Rules N ate: - Those contractors/Firms whom intends to quote financial rates on e-bidding system should first assess their firms as per eligibility criteria given below and if there is any one or more than one eligibility criteria which the firm cannot complete. will be considered as non-responsive and work will be awarded to next bidder, ih full letter & spirit to KPPRA rules. Incomplete bds or in-ellgible bids will be considered as Nan-responsive & will be sent for debarring black listtng. Attested CNIC & BOQ 2% CDR Signed online Tender form Hard copy, Enlistment with LG&RDD Department ASSISTANT ENGINEER LG & RDD BAJAUR O Newspaper ( 29 Aug, 2024) Registration with PEC in relevant category & codes NTNSTRN,KPRAactiveforcuFY ASSISTANT DIRECTOR LG & RDD BAJAUR from Express dated 29 August, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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