Rawalpindi Medical University Rawalpindi Tender Notice for Procurement Of IT Equipments,Equipment ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** Ravvalpindi Medic niversity IIVVITATIO R BIDS Procure me fil T Equipment for Finan Year 2024-25 I. Rawalpindi university invites •.ws.o from Proprietors {Sole Oistnoutersj.' Generat OfdOr"Si.m1iers toe wno are register on E-PAOS (Electronic-Pax Acquisition and disposal System) for 011. T Equipment" 2. Bidding Shan on 'Single Stage 3, Bidders aro to submit - The bidder Should be registered Envelope' basis. along with C •neome tagnates cen.fieates Prefegsicx•tal certificate (Pun • List relevant major le t departrnent. r: Evid once r supporting fi nanci Estimated amount ot each item. iS in bidding documents, 2% ago seeunt'f or est•matee •meont •n snape ot COFUB8ftk Guaranteetpaii' Otoe" Oemene oran ot each item Of each category iS bidding documents must be attaerteo wath teertt"iea• bids. optional, afid bid not meeting the evaluation O'iteria Shall be eonsidered as 'Non• R ivo• , ovatuation corona, spec:ilicaticos and other terms 8 ccoditioos are ava.ilaeae on 5. diddi0•9 documents and 6. bidders •a requested to submit tooo on E-PAOS. 7. bids received on the sariiO date at t a .m. in lhe Of who intend witness the proceedings, case ot hcg•äayon the day 01 day 'evill be as closing date, B. may reject au bids subject to relevant OT Punjab Procurement Rules 2014. Vice Chancellor Rawalpindi Medical University New Teaching Block. Rawalpindi Tel: 051-9291511 IPGO.OSO O Newspaper ( 29 Aug, 2024) from Jang dated 29 August, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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