Metropolitan Corporation Quetta Tender Notice for Improvement Of Roads,Construction Of Sewerage,Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NOTICE INVITING TENDER the Adrr•årngratar Quetta tender based ca the ootrgmte S.ChOdulet•' 2023 eakJChiSta;t1, and from iOtaestOd for the wans listed tela•w: 2. 3. 4. s. 6. 7, 3. 12. 13. 16, T. 2. 3. 4. s. 8. 9. 10. Inprove•ment c' Road Chock Quetta. I SE.2425CSS3t 623 Chrxrargi 503 Construcoon of Road Oivders Halli Roac. & Weetan Chowk ConstratOn of Sewerage Line a: Backside of Mutton P.'eezanCh0*A Ouettd.TSE-2QSOSS.3t4S3 RO.atPa•.Ch "Varus at lm•död Ch•owk, Sati*' NatwayPhatak neat HCSptal V'dneatHatønSta•toaaryOueaa. Patch Constructon of Sewerage Itie atS"i Rcoa Ouer.a 10, Constructon cdBlac;k rap RoatatKib Mullaaaa Pashttxjn Bagh ConstrucooncdSeaerageLire "OgenOrainatKitiMalk MuUadadlrderatad Pashton8aghæelta.TSE-242S08S310t3 Oeso'tjrg of MainOGin , Repair a-dfixing C" RCC StabG TSE.2425D8S30953 TSE-242508*093J 15, Boards Artd Related q O.adMa'kitT. T'iteKiliht ofG01S. w•ife. steel gateawatersgeinkletsystemetcatqan MCO Otfæ au,ena. TSE,2QS08S305S3 Amoußt oeooow 18000'.' 02.000M 20.000M 49.000M 20000M 02000M 01.690M 01000M 09.140M 04.800M Constructon cdDran at OcubleRoacnearR.atwav Name Ccnstruction "Repair ofOus%ir. Construction "Repair af RCC Slat Censtructjan'Repair Of Fö0tpath, rced narking, Ccnstruc,tjon jRCpa it af Slat;k1CO roes cross: Cleaning af0raiN Nalah Tyre acaras Approximate Quantity 25 Nc, 'OOONos zsooosft asoooca Shan te carre'J BASIC Public Procurement rules. 2011 aticn authorities i.e. BRA and Sales Tax Oepaementl, wnee appt.;atleu with PEC the cu categcty BPPRA as a terms the evdding PROCUREMENE CONDITIONS: to IS must accorgar.ed a Security of Rs 2%aftne esttmate•C tttetctmoeaooboetata Cattoma SChCdulCd Bid SNO 191 öareemert j, must panied by a Bid of Rs of a Depsi at Call f a schedulec Bark. Oualified C.cmractor has to subrnit 10 % of the estimated security only "arm afa at Call a screeulec (BPPRA ruje- 44. tt wil to teteasc:d withst Sixty days atter or tfte scapc;lto cleat&'cect everything "e. The period be 120 days. Further Terns and carditirs ard evauatico criteria are meraned detai in b,iCdng documents. Subrmittirg a hid rreans, the firm agrees all ant SIOOdNG TENDER OOCUVENTS; 10 Rs.1SOCC= as render Fee separate" Weach tepasg,eChAC No. 4405-4 NBPMatnan Chonk a.tanch wil issued fram Office cd Engineer Irscomb Road Ouetta. dater' advertisement on FPR.A web Site til d," t*fote Ooer•ng Ote cecan te domioaded website of 8PPRA l. documents by thern from BPPRAweb9te be required at:ove-menticoed fee. The •ast date c' 16*' 'rf•.e September 2024 at Hrs. Submission, inquiries ard eperirgs wit be the Offce Of the Chief ADMINISTRATOR METROPOLITAN CORPORATION QUETTA c ews paper ug, , from Jang dated 29 August, 2024
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