Prisons Department Karachi Tender Notice in Thenews newspaper of 29 August, 2024 and more Tenders and Auction Ads of Prisons Department Karachi Tender Notice ( ) 2024 published in Pakistani newspaper or PPRA |
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
ویب سائ پر ٹینڈر دیکھنے ے لیے واٹس ایپ میج بھیجیں یا واٹس یپ پر ٹینڈر الرٹس حاصل کریں۔ : 03441423583Prisons Department Karachi Tender Notice for Special Repair & Maintenance Of Central Prison & c.f Hyderabad, ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** OFFICE OF THE PROJECT DIRECTOR (PROJECT MANAGEMENT UNIT) PRISONS DEPARTMENT SINDH CAMP OFFICE AT CENTRAL PRISON, KARACHI NOTICE INVITING TENDERS Proconn.g Agency invites seared Eids oa bidding dcqrnertes in Singte Stage — Two Enveopgs Ptoceowe MethX from au SPPRA 2010 up to ESTIMATEOCOSI nutf0R COMPIETIOR t'%78 ' 21378 & 8 CE ISCO moo 21.00 SCHEDULE FOR ISSUE & OPENNING OF TENDERS PARTICULARS rece:iX apx:axrs c' atterci:s." m waste ctee '030 day 11:30 RESPUOEO 2 2, 3, 2. 3. 6. 7. 8. 9, 12- 14. 15. 4. V. 'Valid Certificate With Pakistan Council in category and scocuuzed ccaes as against week. in Sirtutar nave or '*MXS) execut0d during vast 5 yeare At toast 01 Sintitar natwe or work having rn;iramum enst ot thc ese•rvateo cog cd ene wc." OR At two nature wc«s each having cost at the cost øu.'Y suppotteø With cec;fate, BiO•dæ.a Staff With the firm, Average than equivalent Of the J tast 5 Audited O' threo years (ICAPJ registered a."dit firm. Audit report issued Other than CC.AP) rogatered audit firms mt be accepted. List c' Machinery equ•nwnt with documentaty evidence cd its I rented: Certificate 01 Bank snowing cred't or at least (average balance per year fc« 03 veats}cd the es&wated or with 3.ank gartk must be lot cacti year July 30th tag throe years bank, be attached available baliV".ce. R09iS'trason v,'dh Inconte Tax oeøartment COt'tificate.S) vath activate Status with Federat Board Ot Rovenue. Annual tncc.•ra returns cd last ttree yens. Revabco Cettffi,cate or Sir.äh Revenue Boatd Govemment ot Sir.dh ISRB} certificate (with Active Status). E,aeh page c' tecrnca oe nume•ere.a attested cd rrm J con•tpany its start•.p. Contract documcnts and other terms and conditjoos CM to seen OT Irom Offciat web'ite Ot SPPRA i.e. tenders fee to PKR Rs. S,COY- and tne Bid Seccoti msenticoed abwe in tj•æ Shape Can coty rrc«n am sc.r.ecute•d rattk or Pakistan in OirectY(PNU) Prisms Department Ratac,r• on account o' (Nat-t•.g cd firm) Sh.c.uld be attacnec Rith J renders. outerwge such tenøets Mannet Of Bid Security Ot"Ot than CD•R to accepted. Evaluation Clitoria- suå•atona. Cd FIA T iS based yes $ NO OR pass/ Fad. it a bidder to obtain yes cg pass in any aiteriä Suo-criteria qualified, The win opened in the presence or Committee l' Participating contractors Erms their authorized wno to present Sin* Packago etiv&ps, Eadi the Tect'•njc.a' PJ'O$OG*I. Envespo Shan Pvopasa•l and Finanö.a.l Ptc•posat in and lettegs 'o conåß$on. TECHNICAL PROPOSAL opened. ed "O' technical qualification or the firms. Financial EdS I prcoosatS O' thC technica'i' firms shan be opened on date bt•ne that wa coo•tmunicated in to qua:bfieø contactccs firtrxs in as.•ance. F narwal•ea contractors shall be retuned to tnem Ltn-cpen.zø. The CD•Rs Ot to rctutnod back anet issuance Ot Otdet to ttT successrul tiddor• tn Ot any member Ot &tmitteo haopons lö cot O'I Head Quarter on tho dato Of tidS be submitted ar.d opeoad cn rtext wuking day Joint Venture rot a'o•weg. affidavit with egee ai dc«umetnts particulars m.achinery inro«natjon furnished ate uue and co«ect In case or rtetr.perec ce cert'fc:ates the company f firm be to be e«ack at any stage, Stamp a have tn case cd Firm, or Provietc«s othOt cornected dc•zurments with Pcw•et O'Attorney. In case or being scie goriews such undertakim m Affidavit be fumist»ed. gatrtp pager that the contraaces firm is reqt,gea to subff'tit procurernent toted or fresh to trus effect the coty.patsesl firtws iS on the list tZCkJisted The Shodd be :subffiitted the required If such required $ idc•tmati0"'! then tet'd0t rot COOS'dcre•d by the cornmittee and Torn-ts & Corditjons b} Under corditbns tid be ropcted:• NO aM teegrapr.c bids Tenders shan be accepted, by bid sea,rity Of and matV•et, BidS received after SPOCifiOd date and tune. Wiöty Thé procurement authoray reserves tm to reject any or atl ele teodCIS 1' bidS as pet SPPRA Rules 2010 (Ameod•ed Ül to date). PROJECT DIRECTOR PROJECT MANAGEMENT UNIT PRISONS DEPARTMENT SINOH KARACHI INF.KRY 2680/24 SAY NO TO CORRUPTION c Newspaper 29 ug, from Thenews dated 29 August, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
ویب سائ پر ٹینڈر دیکھنے ے لیے واٹس ایپ میج بھیجیں یا واٹس یپ پر ٹینڈر الرٹس حاصل کریں۔ : 03441423583CopyRight & copy; 2025 & Trademark PaperPk, Limited Rights.