Pakistan Railways Lahore Tender Notice for Procurement Of Supply Of Crushed Stone Aggregate By Road From Approved Source Of District,Concrete Sleeper Texture ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** CSF/DIRECTORATE, HEADQUARTERS OFFICE, LAHORE INVITATION TO BIDS Pakistan Railways (CSF/Directorate)t Headquarters Office, Lahore invites bids (through EPADS) from Manufacturers / Suppliers / Bidders / Contractors etc registered with Sales Tax and Income Tax Depaments and who are on Active Tax Payers List (ATL) of FBR, for supply of following material. Adv. Tender No. W-2/ CSF/Agg:/KWLJ2024-25 Description of Material Supply of Crushed stone Completion Period Quantity of Supply With in 05 months or earlier, in equal monthly installments Bid Security Terms of delivery Aggregate (by road) from approved source of District Sargodha (Nishatabad/Shahinabad) (Black Texture) to Concrete Sleeper 280,000 Factory, Khanewal as per Specification mentioned in bidding documents, as per following size: -i a: 2mm to Cft. b: 6mm to 15mm=140tOOO Cft. c: 16mm to Cft. Cft. O Free delivery at CSF/ (Lump sum) Khanewal 2. 3. Bid only through E-Pak A isition and Disposal System (EPADS) will be entertained bid other than EPADS will be accepted. Bid security will be ( submitted before closing t nder physically in the office of Managing Director/CSF, Pakistan Railwayr Headquarter fflce, Lahore and scanned copy on EPADS. Bidders will also upload the complete scanned pop of their bid in EPADS. Bidding documents, containing detailed terms and conditionst downloaded from free of cost The bids pre aced in accordance with the instructions in bidding documents, must be submitted on ADSon or before 18.09.2024 till 11:00 hours. Bids will be opened on the same date i.e. 18.09.2024 at 11 hours in the presence of bidders. Ihis advertisement is also available on PPRA website at, (Ghous Bux Soomro) Executive Engineer/CSF/HQ for Managing Director/CSF, P.R. Headquarters Office, Empress Road, Lahore. 042-99201776, FAX 042-99201783 Email. [email protected] O Newspaper ( 29 Aug, 2024) from Dawn dated 29 August, 2024
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