Pakistan Railways Rawalpindi Auction Notice in Nawaiwaqt newspaper of 29 August, 2024 and more Tenders and Auction Ads of Pakistan Railways Rawalpindi Auction Notice ( PR ) 2024 published in Pakistani newspaper or PPRA |
Pakistan Railways Rawalpindi Auction Notice for Procurement Of Assistant Engineer,Malakwal,Inspector Of Railways ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** PAKISTAN RAILWAYS RAWALPINDI DIVISION AUCTION NOTICE It notified for the information Of General Public that Pakistan Railways Administration Rawalpindi Division intends to reauction English Kikar grown Km.193 to 198 on MKW-KDA Section. The reauction will be conducted on Station at 1000 A.M by Assistant Enginer, Pakistat Railways, Malakwal. Irspector of WorkgMalakwal & Segodl,a uld Of Divisional Accounts Officers Pakistan Railways, Rawalpindi in the prsence of bidders or their rerresmtatives who may like to be present on the following terms and conditions: 4. 6, 1. 8. 9. Eva•y will depsit plÜt0 copy Of CNIC with atrtion committee before start of tte bidding. All pxticipants will dep«it Rs.S0,000/• in sh4eofCDR the rwne of Divisional Account Officer, Püistn Railways, Rawalpindi with auction committe before stüt of eve auction. which will be retuned to unsuccessful bZders, which üis deposit of die successful bidder will be adjusted in his offered bld money. base prEe for re-wctim fixed to Rs. I .sm,OOU• The depos it b id anuj.nt at aner auction in Of CD R baü in the tume of Divisional Accounts Officer •stan Ran ways Rawalpindi balmce 50% amount aner approval of competent awhority. After completion ofcuting of English Kikar Railw.ys will tüe pssession of si•. The highest bidder win as licenseetxf«e approval ofcomßtent The highest bidder wil be authorized to transfer le8e rights to any other J*rson. NO an;xjunt will be mrtion participation fee enlisted at SNo.l atøve. (hlyCDR Divisional Aecoums officer, Pakistan Railways. Rawalpindi will be The time will IWt be extnded in my cze/reasors. Govt servant will not •action. Governmait Departments are however authorized to take pat in tie auction. II. The defaulters and persms in bidding, in with Railw.ys will not be allowed to 12. The biddenvill alsopay bid withhoEingtax to Pakistan Railways. 13. The Locatim, Of site detailed terns & conditiot% can seen in the offices Of AEN/Malakwal and IOW'Malüwal & Sargdtu on any working day during office hours, Met büding no compbint nisinrormation site will be attertaine(l 14. Fist visit thesite before mrtion Rr RIGHT OF WAY. Awoach access to tte rui from the auctiorpd site will not be regmsibility of Pakistan Railways. IS. The area/measuretrtent can be increased cr decres«i at site according to site situation at tlr time of hmding the 16. The Railway nuy rejee all bids any time prior acceptree of a bid. The Railway adminisration upn ccgnmunicae to any who Ins slhnittcd a b", the grounds & rejection of bid. No.33Q-W/31iPIKW. *9/08/2024. O Newspaper ( 29 Aug, POI') 1421/24 (Asif iMumtaz Ghauri) Divisional Engineer-II, Pak: Railways Rawalpindi. Ph: 051-9270866. 2024) from Nawaiwaqt dated 29 August, 2024
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